Question after Lightning's Death

Okay so Egg drops a Statue on Lightning. Lightning gets crushed falls back through the hole he's crawling out of but, there is still some residual blue lightning tendrils that come out and dance around a bit.

Right before the blue lightning dissipates there is a Chinese(I'm assuming) character and then it is gone.

My question is this What is that character and what does it translate to?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

A Warrior Still-Dinobot


from the trivia section:

"As Lightning (the character, one of the Three Storms) is crushed to death near the end of the film, some of the lightning he emits forms a small Chinese symbol as it disappears (near the top middle of the screen). The symbol translates as "carpenter". This film was directed by John Carpenter."

I'll be good I swear... I'll never see a movie ever again.


Thank you so much!!!!
You have just answered a question that has been plaguing my family for decades.

Have a great Day, Sir! You've earned it!

A Warrior Still-Dinobot
