Guilty pleasure to the MAX..

I freakin' love this movie. It never, never, NEVER gets old.


Your topic title makes absolutely no sense.



Guilty Pleasures are usually bad movies that we enjoy, but it seems that BIG TROUBLE was made to be a campy movie to enjoy; a cult movie in its very foundation. Wherein most cult movies try to be a good movie and for whatever reason, end up with cult status, like Russell/Carp's other flicks, THE THING and especially ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, BTILC seemed created for cult status. Which is like conceiving a child to go to Harvard. But still, for lightweight fare, it's an enjoyable romp. Only for me, the pleasure isn't very guilty since I know it was meant to be exactly what it is.

Movie Reviews or


Guilty pleasure is a movie you feel bad for enjoying. I have no guilt with this movie.

I love it and proudly proclaim it.

Can't stop the signal.


Agree. And somehow, I don't even find this movie to be cheesy. It's almost like a live action comic book.
