MovieChat Forums > Big Trouble in Little China (1986) Discussion > Is every Carpenter film going to be rema...

Is every Carpenter film going to be remade?

-In no particular order- Halloween, The Thing (yes its sort of a remake but at least it was original), The Fog, Assault on Prestinct this. Next we are going to get a remake of They Live with Ryan Reynolds and Kevin Hart. Am surprised Escape From New York hasn't been touched yet, Hollywood has done tons of rip-offs of it from time to time (cough Lockout) but never anything like a direct remake. I guess everybody's new favourite action star Chris Pratt is going to be lined up to play Snake.


You think the recent The Thing is a remake because of it's name eh? nope, it's a prequel and in the same canon as 1982's movie and same universe. The filmmakers of that wanted to make a companion to the Carpenter original and for viewers to watch both films back to back as a 3 hour movie.

"*beep* the law, i want meat"-Nightbreed.


Doesn't help the fact that the new "Thing" is literally a shot by shot scene by scene remake of Carpenter's original! So it is a remake! They take the same story and the same plot. They can call it a prequel all they like it's still a remake and always will be.
