Good comfort movie

It's light and likable and funny. Plus it's got Kurt Russell and Robin Williams. It won't win awards but it's one of those movies I call comfort movies. Something you can watch more than once, puts you at ease or you can maybe even fall asleep to. With Williams passing it's a good time to discover more of his under appreciated work, and this one is a good place to start.


Totally agree. Takes me to a better place and time in my life.


I agree 100%. You summed it up pretty well - never gonna win any awards, but it's a cute fun little movie. I know I'd watch it before any idiotic Adam Sandler movie.

...and I think I have fallen asleep to it at some time.


Agreed, especially since it also reminds me of my childhood quite a bit. It used to come on HBO all the time when I was a kid plus we had it on VHS.

"Dan Marino should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. Would you like a cookie son?"
