imdb made a mistake...

Bill Wallace is listed in the credits of this movie. This website gives a cast link to Bill "Superfoot" Wallace, a fmous Karateka who played the baddy in a couple of Chuck Norris movies. The Bill Wallace in Avenging Force is not Superfoot. My bud and I rented this movie years ago and laughed so hard at the scene where they fall off the roof that we stopped breathing momentarily. We rented it again not too long ago to get a laugh. We were intrigued by Bill being in the credits and watched for him, he's not in the movie. We read the credits and Bill Wallace plays Delaney, watch the movie, Delaney is seen throughout the movie out of his mask and he's a young guy. Superfoot looks totally different and is older. Also, the scene where the main villian faces off against Michael Dudikoff in the armory/museum the baddie grabs a spiked flail off the wall and even though Mike is nowhere near him, he smashes HIS OWN glass case in HIS OWN house to show off. Heelarious.


the movie is kickass. i dont understand how you could find it funny. i mean i watch a lot of b movies to get a laugh, but this unfortunatly is not one of those "so bad it's good" ones. its actually a kickass film. i initially saw it when i was like 7 so it may have been different for me. but when i saw the film late on cable being a huge dudikoff fan, it literally scared the crap through me it was that good.

"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*


The part when they fall off the roof was really funny. My friend and I would rewind that part every time. I'm glad someone else noticed.


no it's just another bill wallace. he was in the delta force movie as well. "superfoot" is a great martial artist and bona fide champion. check him out in the uncut HK version of the protector, much better than the US release.
