I watched it last night as it was about to expire on Netflix. One of the most dissapointing 80s slashers/comedies ive seen. It had a odd poor pacing and some of the most bizarre dialogue between the characters. It couldnt build up any tension in its supposed to be scary scenes till about the last 30 minutes to the film and was predictable from about 30 minutes into the movie.


I totally agree with your assessment!


Completely agree. I felt like I was watching The Room, the characters didn't seem like actual human beings. Total lack of suspense except for the final act. The whole twist was actually predictable even before watching the movie.




You'd have to be pretty dumb to think this film killed the genre.


Doubling its budget isn't spectacular, but that's pretty solid

Death Awaits (Horror forum)



Plenty of other lame copycat movies that watered down the slasher genre. To say this movie killed it is ridiculous. The genre had its time from 78-86 I'd say. This movie has a love/hate with horror fans. I do agree with a previous poster about it's odd pacing but the cast and infintile jokes more than make up for it. I've always dug it.


The infantile jokes were the worst, I wanted all of the characters to stay dead because of the lameness of them.


What a crock. This is a good film, with a fun group of characters. It offers a refreshing twist to the slasher film sub-genre. If anything destroyed the slasher film it was overpopulation.



The whole death of the slasher film is absurd. By 1986 the slasher film was already in a decline despite how many were still being produced. Really at this point it was mainly the Friday the 13th films and first two Elm St. films that were successful in regards to slashers. The others were mainly successful on video/cable.

After April Fool's Day, Friday the 13th 6-7 were successful and even part 8 was moderately successful. Elm St 3-4 were huge hits and despite 5 taking a huge drop from the previous two still turned a strong profit and let's not forget Halloween 4.

I have no idea why people say that about April Fool's Day, but it seems to me it's people that lack any film knowledge but wanna act like they're experts. While I enjoyed Scream, but the audience that only really discovered the genre with Scream thought they were experts agree seeing Scream & Scream 2


Scream and Scream 2 are a million times better than this crap.
