backward signs?

Seriously cool little horror movie that would be a perfect midnight showing at the cool local repertory theater.

Genuinely creepy and tense, some pretty spectacular gore, and a decent plot rounded out by great actors.

Here's a question: In "The Mommy", as the box office ticket-taker leaves her booth to go to the bathroom (at 53:55), we see the sign on her booth says ON GNIKOMS, obviously meant to be the reverse of NO SMOKING. But all of the letters on the sign are the right way around (I can just barely make out FOR TICKETS, NO REFUNDS). Pardon my geekiness, but I was just wondering if this was meant to be some kind of a joke, or just another of this film's many mindf u c ks?

Also on the poster for "The Mommy" we see the director is ANUL SAGIB. Subtle, real subtle.

Brilliant film, highly Scapegöat-approved, for real though.



I did notice that.

I have seen this movie well over twenty times...I caught it the second or third viewing though, haha.

Anguish is one of my all-time favourite horror films, and do you know that now it is going to be remade?!

according to, yes Anguish is on the list now.


It's bollocks, man.

I want to be headbutted by Cillian Murphy. *evil grin*


NO! Please say it isn't so! Not another remake! I love this movie and no remake would do it justice. I have said so many times that the only reason people in HollyWood continues to churn out remakes is because they are braindead and can't come up with ideas of their own.


It was remade as reality to a certain extent, so it is unlikely it will get a movie remake now. Especially in spineless Hollywood.
Maybe upandcoming was simply reporting on the upcoming theater shooting in Colorado.



Bigas Luna said in an interview that all the action taken place in the screen must be interpreted as a "mirror image" of the action in the theater. Maybe that explains the reverse writing of some words in the fictional film "The Mommy" ("mirror image" of the real cast of "Anguish", the people inside the theater) and the poster of it outside the theater (that reveals "Anguish" as the "mirror image" of... yes, the real audience of the film!)


The eye chart in the doctor's office had its letters reversed as well. Funky film.
