Music Question

What is the title of the piano piece being played in the background when they were moving the bed mattress outside?


I can't remember the name of the piece off of the top of my head, but you should be able to (if you haven't already) check on-line, maybe Amazon to get a track listing for the soundtrack. I think there were two versions that came out--one for the vinyl and one of the CD.These might even have been updated for the director's cut. The entire soundtrack is one of the best original pieces written for film (I think at least).


Hi thanks for replying.

I have the Betty Blue soundtrack (and it was a great soundtrack) but the music I was asking about wasn't there. I think it was a classical piece, it was also played on another French movie called L'Accompagnatrice (The Accompanist) in the end.


Its not on the soundtrack, and I dont know the piece, sorry.. not to change the topic, slightly, but seeing your username, if they did a remake of Betty Blue, could you see James Marsters in the role of Zorg? I would love to see him break out of the Spike sterotype, and think he could portray Zorg very well. he is a strong enough actor .. I also feel Angeina Jolie in the Beatrice Dalle part would work well too.


Its not on the soundtrack, and I dont know the piece, sorry.. not to change the topic, slightly, but seeing your username, if they did a remake of Betty Blue, could you see James Marsters in the role of Zorg? I would love to see him break out of the Spike sterotype, and think he could portray Zorg very well. he is a strong enough actor .. I also feel Angeina Jolie in the Beatrice Dalle part would work well too.

What an interesting question!!!

Honestly, I think he can. I know you want JM to break out of the Spike stereotype (the bad boy image - I guess), but for some reason there is a little bit of Zorg that reminded me of Spike. For example, he cares so much for his insane girlfriend, just like Spike with Drusilla in the beginning of Buffy.
Yes, Angelina Jolie could play the Beatrice Dalle part because they have that similar physical appearance. For some reason, I could also see Juliet Landau (Drusilla) playing the part - but I guess that's just me.

Thanks for the question. I enjoyed answering it =)


Since we're on the subject *LOL* Zorg has Johnny Depp written all over him


You are soo right! I was kinda thinking that in an interview I was watching with Johhny Depp today that he reminds me a bit of J-H Anglade .. Also, the one scene where Beatrice Dalle is holding the lantern, right before she torches the beachhouse, doesnt she look like Winona Ryder? just for a split second I thought she kinda did.


They are both in Taking Lives, Zorg and Ms.Jolie


They are both in Taking Lives, Zorg and Ms.Jolie


It's Schubert's Fantasie in f minor for 4 hands. The piece is roughly 15 to 20 minutes long.
