MovieChat Forums > 37°2 le matin (1986) Discussion > where can i find this please?

where can i find this please?

this is one of my dad's favorite films and he hasn't seen it in years, i myself have never seen it and would like to

anyone who knows somewhere reliable i could order or download it would be appreciated.




It is now available from Netflix.

It is also available (185 minute director's cut) for sale from

This new edition appears not to be available at Amazon.


I'm confused about the length of the directors cut.

All Europian's versions I saw or have are only 177 min long.
But a lot of sites, to start with, keep declaring it's 185 min long.

I'd like to order such a version if it's true. Is there anyone who've truly got such a long verion?
And checked its lengh - for himself?


The director's cut was just recently released in November 2009 and it is not censored - 3 hours long (185 min). I'm a Netflix subscriber so I rented it. It's also available for purchase from
It has the French language version with subtitles and the same version dubbed. It also includes an interview with the director PLUS his 3 hour commentary. Well worth a purchase for the commentary alone.


Thank you for answering.
I've ordered it after all.
Though still not sure about 185 min - 177 min well might be called 3 hours, too.
But 7 mintes for the film itself is pretty important difference I think.


Glad to help. I did check the length with my remote as I always do - 185 minutes. Netflix can be way off more than on most of the time. Where did you order from? Yes - 7 min can make a big difference in movies. The director's commentaries are always fascinating to me.


The main source is I can guess. But I've ordered it through our Russian on-line store (the way to make it cheaper a bit and more safer in delivering I hope). Though it definitedly will take much more time till I get DVD.

Quite exited about 185 min!!! Fact is, I've two DVD's already, from Europe, but no one is perfect in all respects and never as long as the last edition you mentioned.
Thanks again!


I've bought the US edition of the film released on Nov. 2009.
I tried to compare it (very carefully!) with the UK version I had already, and - alas, alas.
Though US edition is 185 long (and all the rest, including UK edition 177 min long)-

Pity, but not a single one. All directior's full versions are quite identical then. I may tell you that for sure now.
Yes, I'm as grieved as any of you, because was in hope to get no less as 7 min adds in US edition, but not getting any.

So, why 185 min you may wonder?
Well, the answer is as simple as this - the speed of playing US-DVD is just a bit slower than those from UK. The reason somehow is due to the difference of NTSC and PAL sistems used in USA and Europe as I may guess.

That's the end of mystery about 185 min long movie..............
