South Korean DVDs

Who else has seen the South Korean version of this film???? The genitalia is clouded out....literally. They walk around with clouds on their pelvis'. Does anyone know why South Korean DVDs do that? That's weird and very disrespectful to the director's vision and to those who actually are mature enough to see nudity. The blurry clouds are annoying and distracting. Why are they like that?????????


I just watched the South Korean Director's Cut and was wondering the same thing, because I was sure there was no way in hell the original had that. The blur-circles are completely ridiculous, and I'm not sure how those involved with the making of and distribution of the film allow it, but there it is. It's just some stupid Korean law about penis's & vagina's on film, I think it's the same thing in Japan, even in porn. You can show all manner of disturbing, violent, and sexually repulsive things on film, (even go out and get a prostitute), but all groins must be blurred. It's effing stupid. If you'll believe it, I once saw a joint blurred out in a Korean movie.


That is absolutely ridiculous!! While I respect laws, this is the vision of an artist and it absolutely CANNOT be more disrespectful. If a viewer doesn't want to see genitalia, she/he just shouldn't look. Overall, this is very rude and an undeniable violation. In the end it is just really offensive to the viewers. This REALLY irks me. :(


I couldn't agree more. I felt cheated that my first viewing of this wonderful film was marred by this offensive censorship. I really don't understand it, as it's not like Koreans have a problem with genitals; there are bath houses here where everyone walks around naked, and nude call girl cards littering the streets! Utter nonsense. I think there is something very wrong about blurring out parts of the human body that goes beyond artistic vision.


In Korean films you do occasionally get a glimpse of genitalia these days. In Japan they are not permitted to show pubic hair. It's an Oriental thing.


I'm watching a Korean DC cut at the moment and it's very funny. Anything pubic was initially clouded by grey and now, as the film progresses, it's black cloud! Perhaps the change of colour is significant as the film heads towards its sad end ...

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl
