a question

I haven't seen this movie for at least a decade, but one scene's always intrigued me: near the end of the film, Francis is looking at home movies and Berengere comes in and watches the movies with him. She says, wistfully, "Voulez-vous chocolat?" (At least I think that's what she says.) Berengere always struck me as looking rather strange, and more than once I've wondered if she's supposed to be older -- as if this scene is a flash-forward ten years or so; and in order to effect this, Tavernier put some awful make up on Gabrielle Haker, or they used a different actress or something. Can anyone clarify this for me?

I should warn you -- he's a Fourierist.


yes, she is supposed to be older.


Was it the same actress with just atrocious older-age make-up, or did they use like her sister or something?

I should warn you -- he's a Fourierist.


same actress...HORRID makeup, lol! they didn't even bother to make her bigger boobies! it was the 80's and red lips and hairsprayed were in at that time...and i assume they were checking out the footage at the most recent time.


I doubt it was suppose to be present time (the late 80's). The film is set in 1959, and I don't think more than a couple of years have passed in that scene. If 27 years had elapsed, the daughter would have been in her late 30's, and another actress would have definitely been needed. Not to mention the father would have had to look about 60.

Why do viewers concentrate so much on the style and pop culture of the 1980's with movies produced in that decade? Even in period pieces such as this film. You don't see this obsession with films of other decades. It's almost as though, the minute a viewer sees a film was made in the 80's, they fixate on hairstyles and dress, and come to these forums to make a negative comment. Some folks must really hate the 80's for some reason.


The question was "Aimez-vous basketball?" or "Do you like basketball?"


Oh, right!! What Dexter Gordon was always asking... I've been on a little Tavernier kick lately (just saw "Le mort en direct" and "Coup de touchon"); I should add "'Round Midnight" to the queue.

Thanks, steveco3!

I should warn you -- he's a Fourierist.
