Barbara Flynn

any Barbara Flynn fans out there?


Who isn't?
Sensuality personified.


it's those eyes...


Big fan of Barbara Flynn. I've just finished watching the Beiderbecke Affair (again) - Absolutely brilliant. When Mr Carter describes her as the eroticism in his dreams I know just what he means. Beautiful woman, beautiful voice, she could sell me anything.


Seconded. The world's sexiest milkwoman.


Ah! The Beiderbecke Trilogy... My favourite Barbara Flynn performances. This is the Barbara that I can dream of an eternity with, a sensual companion, someone to really share life with.

The "Rose Marie" is more of a mistriss, the domanatrix, the woman who will cut you down and leave you bleeding to die - but you'll know this before you say "hello", and you'll still say "hello..." :-)

Alex Cutler, Bath, England


You are so right about her eyes- I've been hooked since AVPP first aired. What is it though about series two? Are there contractual problems? I don't recall ever seeing it repeated here in the UK and so far it has not made a DVD. That was the series where Barbara really shone through!


Series 1 was only released because a private citizen who was a fan of the programme(whose name I have forgotten) financed it and convinced the BBC to release it ("Joking Apart" was also released in a similar manner). I don't think there are any contractual problems with Series 2 - but the BBC haven't deemed it worthy of release, and I have a sad feeling that they no longer like the "fan-financed" mechanism.

Alex Cutler, Bath, England


Yes. I was twelve when AVPP first came on telly. She was nearly 40. I fancied the pants off her.


Everytime I see BF in anything else, I always get a Rose Marie flash back.. just a great charcter, and she always lays Mums now....and is still very sexy

Pussywillow, Dottie


Saw BF in Inspector Morse this afternoon & was reminded of how attractive she is.
