Underrated sitcom

I loved watching this show growing up! Season 7 and 8 were my least favorite because that was when Larry and Jennifer got married. I liked the final episode of it but Seasons 1-6 were the best especially 3-6. Perfect Strangers is by far better than most sitcoms today.


I agree. Sadly, most sitcoms today aren't as dynamic as PF was. They set the bar pretty high.

* I killed god and all I got was this awesome signature!


How was it underrated? It was one of the most popular shows at the time and ran for nearly a decade.


Great show, before all the politically correct filth and black ghetto culture crap became the norm.


Wow schnibbler, you sound like a scared little white boy. Are you scared? What are you so scared of?

Now I'm as smooth as a chocolate swirl, but I dance a little funky so watch it, girl!


Show was dumb.


The first few seasons were very funny, and then the show really went downhill.

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍


This show will always have a special place in my heart, because it's the first show I remember watching. I was about 3-5 years old during its later seasons and remember screeching out "THE BALKI SHOW IS ON!!"

It is downright amazing to me how this show hasn't really had much of a syndication run. And I don't think all of the seasons are available to stream, which is maddening!

There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly west


It had a heart, which 99% of shows lack now. I think that's why so many people still have fond memories for it, even if it was corny at times (like any sitcom of the time).
