Cracked Magazine's Parody

When I was a kid, I loved Cracked magazine, especially the "Pee-Yoo's Playhovel" issue and "The Donkees" issue.

I can still remember some of the Pee-Yoo comic strip:

Theme Song:

C'mon in, and pull yourself up a stool
Let the tedium begin, it's time to meet our favorite fool

I can't remember what came in between, but here was the
last of it:

We're bein' nutty at Pee-Yoo's Playhovel!

Secret word- Today's secret word is (gulp)
You gotta be kiddin' me!..."The"!

Scream, yell, foam at the mouth!

King of Cartoons-Pee-Yoo jumps up and down, clapping his hands:
Oh, goody! It's time for a rotten old cartoon!

Penny cartoon-At the end, Pee-Yoo says: Talk about your run-on sentences!

At the end of the cartoon, Pee-Yoo kicks the King in the butt and tells him to get out.

King of Cartoons-Royalty don't get no respeck aroun' heah!

Dog Chairry bites Pee-Yoo on the butt: Oh, no! Dog Chairry has become rabid from the word, "the".

As Pee-Yoo leaves, he looks at the kids and says: S'long ya brats. From now on, it's Pee-Yoo's playcondo!
Not long after the issue hit the newsstands, Pee-Wee appeared on Late Show with Joan Rivers; he didn't like what Cracked had done to it, or maybe he was kidding.

This and other Cracked magazines can be found here: Doug Sulips Comic World [email protected] email him first as he night be out of business.
