MovieChat Forums > Our House (1986) Discussion > 'Sex' is a dirty word?

'Sex' is a dirty word?

In the episode "Choices" Jessie and Chris are talking. Jessie says, "You used to be able to talk to me about anything. About love. Even about sex." But the word 'sex' was muted out. I can accept that the Inspiration channel is a faith based network and they have cut out words like 'damn' or 'jackass'. But to cut out the word 'sex'?

'Sex' is not an obscene, profane, or even dirty word. Is it really important to shield viewers from this word? It's a natural part of life, and it wasn't being used in a lewd, crude or licivious manner. It was a mother talking to her daughter, for crying out loud!

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


Hilarious! I just watched the episode and caught the same exact thing then came here to post about it only to find someone beat me to it!

Good job noticing that. Now I don't feel alone. The thing is a few days ago I could have sworn I heard a silent word come from Gerald O'Loughlin's mouth as well. Only I chalked it off as a blip in the video. But jeesh gosh silencing Deidre Hall?

In the same episode of "Choices", they also silenced Deidre saying "sexually active" then right after when Shannen Doherty said it, they silenced her as well.

What I don't get is if the Inspirational Channel can choose to air such a family oriented TV series as "Our House" then they should be able to air what comes with it. For cripes sake this series is nearly 25 years old. The channel can't be that behind times.

If it was a curse word ("Little House" saying the "wh**re" word), I could understand. But just the word "sex". That is going a bit overboard with things.

Perhaps that's why they didn't air the beginning preview and just went straight into the theme song. There may have been too much silencing to do.


Thank you. It's not like Chris's boyfriend is asking her to have sex. It's a mother talking to her daughter! What's is more family oriented than that?

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


Plus not only that but how can they get the message out of family values when the intended audience can't figure out what the subject is being taught?

I'll give them a Cheers for running the series on their network but a HUGE Jeers for feeling the need to silence out the S word. I think we would all let curse words slide on being silenced but I think there is a point of the S word being in the show and it's not to silence the word out.


i'm surpised that was edited out...i just watched an episode where gus wants to go on a date...before that though he is watching a football game with molly and says, "i'm going to get another beer"(the way he said it i thought was funny) i'm surprised they would show that considering it's a religious channel...


Yeah, how can you pick and choose what you think should be left in and what should be left out. If they let Gus say I'm going to get a beer, that's hinting that he's drinking in front of a child. Is that family friendly? But they take out the word 'sex' even though it's a clean discussion between mother and daughter. To me, there is nothing more family oriented/friendly than an open discussion about sex between parent and child.

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


i agree.

i love this show and the cast, sans Molly, but my gosh, was this a horrible episode. So everyone forgoes a concert in order to save a piece of roadkill that would scratch their eyes out if given the opportunity, and would just end up getting mauled to death when its released back into the wild anyways?

But there are some redeeming moments. I love the sick, twisted revenge Kris gets on Jessie at the end.
