MovieChat Forums > Lovejoy (1986) Discussion > Should I Buy Series 5?

Should I Buy Series 5?

I am new to Lovejoy and have recently bought series 1-4 and loved them but I know Eric and Lady Jane leave in series 5 and I am wondering if its worth buying. Is Lovejoy still as watchable and entertaining with the new characters?



It's not the same without Eric or the lovely Lady Jane. There is a substitute 'love' interest but no replacement for Eric. You should buy series 5 and 6; you will then, at least, have the entire series!

I am re=watching the whole series again - one episode every weekday - even though it is being repeated on ITV3. At least I don't have to suffer the infernal bloody adverts!!!


Thanks for the replies! Ordered it this morning and I guess even if its not as good as the earlier series, a bad episode of Lovejoy is still better than 95% of the stuff that's on TV now!


Pretty much repeating what I've said on other threads, but even though Lady Jane and Eric pull out, the series is still of a good quality, with, for the most part, very enjoyable stories.

The "golden years" for me were series 2-3, where all of the original cast were present, and the stories were at their best and most enjoyable.
I won't deny that there was a whole left by Jane and Eric - especially with them both going so relativley close to each other - but, again to repeat myself from another thread, the series was wise in that it didn't simply create 'clones' of them. I miss Eric, but Beth is quite good (even if she did at the time fell rather like the token black on a very 'white' series).

Even without Jane and Eric, the series was still good. It had definately peaked, but still watchable. I think they were wise to pull the plug at the end of the sixth series though, and not to churn out series-upon-series more, opting to go out while it was still on good form.
