MovieChat Forums > Lovejoy (1986) Discussion > The first series of this.

The first series of this.

I find it to be very serious in its tone compared to the rest of them.

Is the first series considered the worse Lovejoy series?

My Dynamic DVD/VHS Movie List -
From Scotland


Firstly good to see new topics being raised. I would certainly agree that the first series is more serious than others however that is due to a number of factors. To begin with it was more akin to the original novels where the character of Lovejoy is more hardcore. Also we must remember that television production & direction has changed so much of the last few decades that this first series was a test, a chance that probably didn't have enormous budget or direction. I for one would not say that it was the worse, just different. Even by McShane's own admission by Series 4 Lovejoy was getting far too set in his ways and far from the original character. My advice is to watch & enjoy it for for its worth - an original series that hadn't been explored before and remember the year in which it was made. If it wasn't for the first series we wouldn't have the rest!!


I agree. The first Lovejoy series wasn't so great in production as were the following seasons, but it had the best comedic incidents. Eric was at his best and tinker also. But the best one was Charlie Gimbert, he who left the cast for the second season, which was a shame.



Series 3 and 4 were the most enjoyable for me as well. "Eric of Arabia" in Series 3 and "The Galloping Major" in Series 4 are particular favorites.


To summerise my comments on a similar thread, series 1 is much more serious, with a few more of the 'gritty' elements of the books being vaguely transfered to screen, but is still watchable, and I think was needed for the series to build up to what it became.

Series 2 and 3 are my personal favourites, I think the show was at it's peak then, with series 4 not far behind. I think series 1, 5 and 6 are all in the same boat in that they are not the best of series, but are very good when considered on their own merits.

