MovieChat Forums > Lovejoy (1986) Discussion > Quick Summer Quiz.....

Quick Summer Quiz.....

1) The registration number of Lovejoy's white pickup is.....

2)Lovejoy's mentor was/is ......

3)Lovejoy's blood group is......(in samurai sword episode)....

4)The pub at Bidbury-on-sea is called......

5)Felsham Hall in "real-life" is called.......

....Someone add five more questions,...But only when you've answer'd these....'s a game...



1) A697GDB

2) Jim Leonard

3) "A rhesus positive"

4) The Pilchard Inn

5) Belchamp Hall

Next 5 Questions...

1) What is the most money Lovejoy has earned in any one episode?

2) When Lovejoy got to Burgh Island how far was he away from mainland England? (metres)

3) Which artist "Birmingham Bertie" have a fondness for?

4) What is the real name for the cottage used in Series 2 where Lovejoy lived?

5) How many episodes did not included Tinker & name them?

...and one final question.

Why does Lovejoy's daughters name change?

Keep them coming...


Well done ,you got the easy one's... but yours are....c'mon..really hard, wish I'd never started it now....doh!!!


Can we have a new rule that all the answers must be contained within all the threads else this could get silly.... ie."difficult"...?..however your questions are excellent..(offering flattery)!



Actually there are only about 3/4 scripts last time I looked.

Q3 Clue - This episode in question also starred actress Minnie Driver. Lovejoy also made reference to the answer in the episode "The Ring".

keep going.. Wasn't sure which topic you were reading so posted this twice. NOW new rule, need to answer these by Friday 19:00 hours....tick tock..tick tock.


"k-lawes" this is a shocker! Tick tock tick tock? It's like Day of Reckoning....

Any chance of some clues? I have a couple of answers but these are hard!

1) For most money I'd have to guess at The Black Virgin of Vladimir? It's the only multi-million deal I can remember Lovejoy pulling off - he must have had a fair old pay day? Is this the one?

2) 282 metres should do this one - please say yes!

3) Bertie was into Charles Spencelayh - yes again?

4) Crikey - do you mean the cottage's real-life name or are we looking for something in the show (a name plaque or reference?) Help please!

5) This is tough - I've thought of three so far but fast forwarding through them Tinker always appears, if only briefly. Any chance of the number of episodes or some clues. Friday 19.00 is a tight deadline to watch all six series!

I won't be around much tomorrow so don'tknow where you have Charlotte or what you plan to do with her! At least there's two of the five hopefully answered.

And I thought I knew my Lovejoy! You've bowled a curved ball there "k-lawes"!

All the best my fellow hunters....




I always find that quizzes are best when you have to actually work for them..

Well so far so good, answers to 1-3 are correct.

Q4 - As far as I recall it is not actually mentionned mentionned in the series but you can find in on the net!

Q5 - Clue:- Series 2!

The question about Lovejoy's daughters name I do NOT know the answer to but it bothers the hell out of me!

tick tock...

"...I can promise you a somewhat drinkable 76 Pedro" (Hardy, Peter Season 6 Ep.2)


Well, missed the dealine, sorry - but thanks for the clues!

Q4 - I have no idea, I've tried all sorts of web searches but not so much as a clue. I have to give in, any chance of being put out of my misery?...

Q5 - So it has to be just Sugar & Spice? I presume Dudley must have been otherwise engaged, you'd have thought a small part for Tinker would have been included if he was available, what with all that porn (I can see him now, "Oh Eric, it's not porn, it's art, and some of the most beautiful art your sorry eyes are ever going to see").

I can't answer the question about Lovejoy's daughter, I suppose it's the ultimate Lovejoy mystery. Kate, Vicky, Viki? I do remember that when Amelia Shankley appeared playing Vicky I fell in love at first sight. Boy oh boy! Happy days, she should have featured far more!

Well I'm one down, but if you cut me some slack on Q4 (and put me out of my misery!) I've got five questions of my own to post.

Hat off to you "k-lawes", that took some work!




Minutes after posting I think I've found it! Typical! Is it Mulberry Farm at Elmswell?...,en,SCH1/objectId,ACC15771gb,curr,GBP,season,at2,selectedEntry,home/home.html

Hope this'll do and I can post my five?...



Q4 - The cottage used in Series 2 was called "PUMP" cottage & its in Stansfield, Suffolk. The link being...

It's changed a bit now but a lovely place to stay, why not try it!!

Can I just thank you though as you have inadvertently answered a question that I posted on this website months ago asking if anyone knew of the cottage used from the start of Season 3. After looking at the link for Mulberry Farm I would certainly say that it is the one - cheers!

Q5 - There were THREE episodes that did not include Tinker, all from Series 2:-

- Italian Venius
- Bin Diving; and
- Sugar & Spice..

As you say the mystery surrounding the Kate / Vicky situation is puzzling. I'm guessing that the budget didn't extend to hiring an acknowledged Continuity Director & they just messed up!

Still....question please!


Well played Joffwam, alot of fans were relying on you for that, PLUS we got to see
the bonus of the two cottages out of it thanks to you and k-laws.There must be someone we can contact at the BBC regarding the daughter/name situation, someone outhere knows! Meanwhile......Joffwam ..questions.....not too!?



The cottage used in series 3 belonged to "Freddy the Phone" where Lovjoy was house sitting, it was called Casablanca,

Mulberry Farm in Elmswell was used only in series 1, it was his cottage and workshop, and is now a B+B, owned by a lovely couple called Tony and Angela, its a good spot to go location hunting from, The Fox pub and the railway station in Elmswell were used and its only a few miles from Bury St Edmunds which was used quite a lot, especially in the first series.


Oh well, cheers for that, I guess the hunt continues for Casablanca!

Questions anyone! I've got plenty more....


Maybe give Joffwam 'til 7pm then if not, go for it k-laws I guess!? tick-tock.


casablanca is OLD HOUSE FARM between Great Sampford and Cornish Hall end in Essex.


Super stuff, I should have spotted the cottage wasn't from the right season but we were up against time (tick....tock....). Top questions - especially the missing Tinker ones - never realised! Pleased we've stumbled on another one of Lovejoy's cottages though!

Okay, my five....

(1) Three actors who each had roles in Lovejoy joined forces more recently on the church committee in The Vicar of Dibley, but can you name them and the Lovejoy characters they played?

(2) Two actors who each had roles in Lovejoy joined forces more recently led by "M" (Judy Dench) as part of the MI6 team in the Pierce Brosnan Bond movies. Again, can you name them and the Lovejoy characters they played?

(3) Two actors who both played fathers of Lovejoy characters have been seen for some time on Eastenders. Yet again, can you name them and the Lovejoy characters they played?

(4) Ronald Frazer played Drummer in the very first Lovejoy episode, The Firefly Cage, but can you name the character he played in his second Lovejoy appearance?

(5) One actress holds the record playing three different characters in Lovejoy, but can you name her and the characters she played?


ANSWERS... (I think)

(1) John Bluthal - popov; Gary Waldhorn - DS Bob Pulver; and Roger Lloyd-pack - E J Smalmann-smith.

(2) Michael Kitchen - David Herbert; and Colin Salmon - Rathbone.

(3) Not too sure about this one, however the following have appeared in both Lovjoy & Eastenders:-

- Steve Eliot (Woody)
- Dudley Sutton (Tinker)
- John Burgess (Popov)
- Wolf Chrstian (John - Cavendish Porter)
- Pavel Douglas (Lord Felsham)

There is as well Chris Jury (Eric) who has directed several episodes of Eastender & Diane Parish (Beth) who has starred but obviously was not a "Father" in Lovejoy!!

(4) Michael Edwards - National Wealth

(5) Gwen Humble - Lady Dunwich (Uzcocks); and both Caterina & Lavinia (Death in Venice)


Good work - I didn't think you'd let me down.

The first Eastenders one is Rudolph Walker, who played Beth's father Earl and is now Patrick Truman in the soap. (By coincidence there was a storyline running where he was thought to be Diane Parish's on-screen father yet again - not sure how it finished up).

The other is John Bardon who played Charlie Gimbert's father in Uzkok's and is now Jim Branning in the soap.

There's a pretty healthy connection between Lovejoy and Eastenders. Besides the Lovejoy actors you named as appearing in the soap there's also:-

Perry Fenwick (Ron Steigers the pawnbroker in Taking the Pledge)
Gavin Richards (the bad guy in Holding the Baby)
Phil Daniels (Boyd in Swings and Roundabouts)
Nicky Henson (Joe Gruder in Lily's Pearls)
and more recently Kika Mirylees (Corinna Hope in The Sting)

there could be more, I'm not a great soap fan.


I had a quick look at the cast listing for Eastenders but quickly gave up - there's thousands! Plus, like yourself, not a fan so it certainly was not something I simply would have known.

Good questions though..

Whose round is it now?? Any takers and shall we raise the level of difficulty??


No-one's playing yet, k-lawes.

Go on, take a few days to set five absolute horrors but give us a few days in which to answer them!


O.K. here goes for Round Three....

(1) What's the connection between Ed Carr & Geoffrey Tibbs?

(2) In Series One he was a Vicar but in Series Two he was an Auctioneer! Who was he & what episodes are we talking about?

(3) Where do we see Auction Lots 220 followed by 225?

(4) Mrs Ives brought Lovejoy the Staffordshire Dogs "...that weren't.." What was the following item she brought to Lovejoys attention?

(5) QUOTES. Who said the following & from which episode:-

1. "You don't know the difference between a Faberge and a French Fry!"
2. "Very impressive security system Nick"
3. "Soften him up in the drawing room, let him feast his eyes on those Stubbs'"
...."What about the ceiling and the Boudoir?"
...."All those nipples and buttocks..."

Good luck all. Now the clock will be ticking......Tick Tock.....


I know the first two but won't spoil it in case anyone else is playing.

Number 3 the auction lots I'll have to get back to you, need to watch some Lovejoy!

(4) Was this the woman with the guinea pouch or "antique rubber johnny"?!

(5) I think these are:-

(a) Lovejoy to Tony Palmer in The Real Thing when he's on about going on the telly. (My favourite Lovejoy episode).

(b) I think this is Lovejoy complementing the guy with the security cabinet where he left the statue (and, of course, subsequently nicked it back again) in Montezuma's Revenge.

(c) I'm not 100% but it could be Jim Leonard in They Call Me Midas, I recall something like this.

Anyone else out there?!


Oh yes,.....however this is grade "Mastermind" level for me,.. but, just to let
you both know, many of us are greatly enjoying the duel,keep it up.


WO! hold-on a sec,I have just found what seems a Difinuative episode guide on !!!! It may not be over just yet! ....and somebody had this all
along! ermmmm! well, I bet someone had it.


How's everybody doing with these questions....I have given it more than enough time! And besides I'm looking forward to someone else posting some to get the old noggin thinking!!


PLEASE......put us (me) out of our (my) Miseryyyyy!
Just easy ones many wheels did lovejoys yellow Volvo have?
...well, maybe not that easy, but you get the idea, yes?



Would you like to give us what you've got - haven't heard from you for a while??


OK then here are the answers to Round Three -

(1) Connection between Ed Carr & Geof Tibbs - Jonathan Coy plays both characters as Lovejoys solicitor in "Out to Lunch" and then in "Guns & Roses".

(2) In "To Sleep no More" Peter Whitbread appear as a Vicar & then as a Auctioneer in "Bin Diving".

(3) Auction lots 220 then 225 - Watch the opening titles (Series 2 onwards)

(4) In "Just Desserts" Mrs Ives brings a Guinea Pouch to Lovejoy at Womens meeting (beginning of episode) aka Condom!

(5) Joffwam got these spot on:-

(a) From "The Real Thing" - Lovejoy to Tony palmer
(b) From "Montezuma's Revenge" - Lovejoy to Nick.
(c) From "They Call Me Midas" - conversation beteen Jim & Judy Leonard.

So there we go - Fellian, you going to do the next round so you can be the Quiz Master & makes us work for the answers??!!


Sorry folks, been on an enforced break. Some more good ones k-lawes, especially the one that's in the titles! How you can fail to see something when it's right under your nose!...

Fellian - these may be a bit hardcore, maybe bordeing on cruel, but watch the scenes VERY closely and you should have fun answering them....

(1) Can you spot what's odd about Charlotte's Jaguar XJS when she first arrives at Lovejoy Antiques in Ducking and Diving?

(2) Can you spot what's odd about the bus that stops to pick Beth up at the start of Somewhere Over the Rainbow?

(3) In Fly the Flag there's a scene where Lovejoy is having tea in the garden with the Shotleys. Wilfred Shotley comes out with the same line that had already been used by another character in a previous episode, but can you recall which character in which episode?

(4) + (5) In Swings and Roundabouts they're waiting for the American guy to make his move. When he leaves the pub we see Tinker emerge from behind a newspaper and tip the wink to Beth. She then goes in to the phone box, but there are two things that are odd about what happens next. Can you spot them?

Have fun!


Joffwam - Good to have you back on board & with a whole new bloopers round.

Q2 - Very good, I won't give it away for others playing, but good spot!

Q3 - Are we talking about "Dane Girl"? If so are you able to at least say which series its been said before?

I'm struggling with the rest as I have lent series 5 out & so although I recall the scenes cannot check for these spots! Fellian - Over to you for these.

Top questions though.


Not "Dane girl" but "Danegeld" (money).

"That's the trouble with Danegeld, the Dane keeps coming back for more".

Back in series two another blackmailed character bemoaned Danegeld to Lovejoy, but in far more dramatic circumstances....


Hello people, sorry, I've been away for a few days (3 nights in Scunthorpe)
...Don't try it.I will now try and get back on board abit.Super stuff. "on board" one word?..


If everyone's waiting for me....don't...Please carry "Quick" summer quiz.!!


So,'s all over is it...? I shall be away on holiday for a while in the nearest desert. Thank-yous and goodbyes.


Hi - I found the answer to the Bus question & I am still trawling through series 2 for the "DaneGeld" quote. As mentionned before I'm going to struggle with series 5 questions as I'm without the DVD for a while. How did you get on?? If not Joffwam - answers please..


Sorry, just tried posting to thank fellian and k-lawes for their efforts and to give some more clues, but was told there was an error and given a load of gobbledygook with which to help debug it (????)

You just can't win....maybe it's the adverse weather?...


Re the cottage in series 2 If you know the real name do you know the real location. been trying to find it for best part of a month now but to no avail.


Amanda - try this link.

I found this some years ago & at the time it mentionned the fact that it was used in series 2, however for some resaon they seem to have dropped this fact.

Back to the quiz Joffwam,

Put me out of my misery regarding "Dane Geld" please.......

Question 1 was the amazing changing bus number plate - good pot.

Still no nearer to getting series 5 back so can you answer those as well please.


Hi k-lawes,

(1) In Ducking and Diving Charlotte's red Jaguar XJS has a different registration number to the car used in all other episodes.

(2) You got the bus (very strange that one)!

(3) "Danegeld" is Ralph Peagram at the end of Raising the Hispanic, when Lovejoy confronts him at the lake.

(4) To start with, Beth goes into the phonebox and dials the number without inserting any money. The only way she could get an answer was by dialling 999 for the Emergency Services or 100 for the Operator, but she dials a seven digit number.

(5) If you look closely Beth dials 555-8080. The call is taken by Charlotte at Lovejoy Antiques, but 555-8080 is nowhere near the phone number for Lovejoy Antiques.

A bit sad, I know, but there you go!


Brilliant! Anyway...."You've got to move on, the past is a foreign country, and
Lovejoy dos'nt live there anymore" The End. ...not sure "dos'nt" looks right,
oh season starts Saturday.
