MovieChat Forums > A Little Princess (1987) Discussion > The original 6-part version on DVD! (Mor...

The original 6-part version on DVD! (More info added)

EDIT: I don't know if I was clear, but I'm talking about "A Little Princess" with Amelia Shakley and Maureen Lipman, and the German DVD release, NOT a German production of the story. I've added to this post with details of scenes that were deleted on US airings and the VHS version. Would there be any interest in my uploading some of these alternate scenes to YouTube?


A friend of mine just sent me the German DVD version of "A Little Princess". I was shocked that it's quite different from the three part, one hour each part version shown on PBS and released on VHS years ago! Yes, I am talking about the Amelia Shakley version.

Some of the scenes are slightly different, using different takes. There's a LOT of dialogue in the 6 part version that isn't in the three part version, but strangely, some of the dialogue in the more familiar version is missing.

Each episode is about 30 minutes, so it all adds up to about the same running time. It's just odd that this cut is so much different. The story actually flows much better, though Sara's explanation of Heaven to Lottie is completely missing. However, many scenes are MUCH longer. Odd. There's several scenes in the 6 part version that were cut in the familiar version. There's a great scene where Becky brings a letter into the schoolroom for Ermengarde, where Sara tells her about her new fortune and that she's not coming back to the school. Lavinia finally gets told off by Ermengarde, and you see Jessie joining Sara's side. Also, Sara asks the Baker to feed any hungry children, and send the bill to her, it's then that she meets Anne again.

Also, many of the scenes where the dialogue seems overdubbed (such as Cook laughing at Sara with the soap flakes) actually uses the first take sound. The production feels somewhat different. The pacing is different to accommodate the 30 minute format.

I'd like to see this version released on a R1 or 2 DVD, but I think it's most likely the three hour international version that we'll get.


I'm pretty sure the version you're talking about is the same as the version released on Region 1 DVD by Koch Vision earlier this year. It's the original British version which is different than the American version shown on PBS.


Oh/ Wonderful! Thanks, I'll check it out as I'd much rather have it as a proper DVD. Thanks again!



They are plenty of little differences between the US and UK editions sprinkled all over the miniseries. This little clip ( ) shows the 3 types of the most common differences: (1) shots truncated or extended, (2) shots missing or added, and even (3) alternate camera angles. Here are some more differences:


Thank you for the videos. It's astounding how much better the picture quality is in the UK edition. I have old VHS tapes that I had to hunt down years back, so I'm reluctant to replace them, but I would enjoy the superior picture quality. Does the DVD come with any special features, such as a behind-the-scenes featurette?

"Memories like spies, the salt betrays my eyes again." -Turpentine, Brandi Carlile


You may want to keep the VHS for the footage not available on the UK edition. The DVD has no extra features at all, sadly.


I recently purchased a copy of the DVD, the three VHS tape set, and have Part 2 of a two VHS tape set ("censored" version) of this series. The DVD is based on the UK London Weekend Television broadcast in 25 minute shows (6 of them) while the 3 VHS tape set is based on the USA Wonderworks PBS TV broadcast in 58 minute shows (3 of them). The UK version is about 150 minutes while the USA version is about 160 minutes. As mentioned by the earlier post, there are different scenes between these two video sets. Since the time slot for the UK and USA broadcast took up different schedules on TV, you had two film editors selecting certain scenes to fit into each show. I am sure that there was originally a full cut filmed version from the original production, but since that master version would not fit exactly into either the UK or USA show's time slot, some scenes were selectively omitted. As noted earlier, the VHS tape version is missing the scene after Miss Amelia resigns from the school and Becky gives Ermengarde the letter from Sara telling her that she is not returning to the school. Becky hears the news and is seen walking up the stairs crying. In the VHS version, this scene omission left the viewer wondering why Becky was crying. The scene when Sara meets Carrisford for the first time is more extended in the VHS version while the scene when Miss Minchin goes to bring Sara back to the school, that scene is more extended in the DVD version. Near the end when Sara is playing chess with Carrisford, the scene is more extended in the VHS version as she talks about setting up a school to help the poor and orphan children. The DVD version cuts that scene short and just jumps to the bakery shop where she asks the baker to bill her for any food given to the hungry children. In the VHS version, the baker recalls when Sara gave some of her purchased bread to another hungry girl and only kept one for herself (an earlier scene included only in the VHS version). Just before the end, the DVD version has a discussion between the baker and Anne talking about Sara. On the VHS version, this conversation is missing. And the scene with Sara and her father in the carriage as they travel to the school is also a bit different between the two versions. In the DVD version, she talks about finding the Emily doll in the store. In the VHS version, she makes no mention about the new doll and there is a scene where a group of beggar boys approach their carriage asking for money.

The second part of the 2 VHS tape set appears to have roughly the last 100 minutes of the series (presumably the first tape has around 70 minutes). The scenes appear to be just about the same as the USA Wonderworks VHS 3 tape set, but there appears to have been some voice editing which removed remarks like "idle slut" and "good lord" from the dialogue.

The video quality is much improved on the DVD version.

Update: There is one scene that appears to have been shot from different camera angles between the two versions. It is when Sara and her father are talking about the diamond mines. In the VHS version, Sara and her father are seen in one continuous shot as her father tells her about investing in a diamond mine. In the DVD version, the camera angle changes to Sara when her father tells her about the diamond mine and she exclaims "A diamond mine?" with a closeup of her face and returns back to the camera angle with the two of them. It looks as if there were scenes shot from different camera angles and the film editor selected different scenes between the two versions.
