Bronco, Clutch, Wheels

what's with all of the car-affiliated names?


Yeah those are pretty hip names. If only there was a dude named honda


Too bad Bronco didn't drive a white Bronco.


well "Wheels" last name was Wheeler so ...


Duh wayne should have been named the PT cruiser. he was slow but had some power




I believe that's supposed to be Dwayne, the bully.


Oh're right!


Also: I know it's not car-related, but Snake?!?! What was with all these bada$$ nick names for all these super nerdy guys? LOL To hear the nick names you would think they were a big bad rough bunch of brawlers.


How about Scooter no one f^cked with that *beep*


I wonder if Snake got that nickname because he's long and skinny, like a snake?

I was just saying the other day how weird/funny it is that of the Zits/Zit Remedy, Archie and Derek both got wicked cool nicknames, but Joey Jeremiah is not only the only one of the three without a nickname, he also usually goes by his full name including his surname, which is weird.


I saw in an interview that the actor was allowed to pick between Slim and Snake as his nickname on the show and between the two of them he liked Snake better.


Wheels, Snake and Spike were said to be nicknames (for Derrick, Archie and Christine, respectively) but was it ever said about Clutch and Bronco? I'm assuming Clutch was a nickname so I wonder what his real name was. I guess Bronco could have been his real name but that's pretty mean of his parents lol.
