the snails

What was with all the snails at the end would someone care to explain?

Last Film/s I watched:
Nil By Mouth 7/10
The Ringer 6/10



ok, thanks alot for the help

Last Film/s I watched:
King of Comedy 9/10



But the snails also spoil their project of filming the decay so nature gets the last word topping design.


^^yes. There is a cruel irony in that one of the lowest forms destroys the attempts of man to understand the mysteries of life and death. Greenaway is perhaps hinting at the futility of this experiment, and these kind of experiments in general. There are limits to reason, and no matter how much we try to control and understand our environment, along with ourselves, we are doomed to fail, because certain aspects of nature are unpredictable, and perhaps even unknowable.


The symbolism is Darwin topping God, if you ask me.
