MovieChat Forums > Year of the Dragon (1985) Discussion > 76 minutes in, and this film is *beep* d...

76 minutes in, and this film is *beep* dire.

God this film is terrible. Really, really bad.

I've watched for it looking for a movie with an in-depth look at Triads in America, and this film seemed rated highly, but it's just awful. Not just because of the casual racism, no, it's the sheer hamminess of the cliched, card-board cut-out characters that bothers me. So far, not a single character or scene or plot device have I seen in this that isn't recycled from some other dated cop movie that tries to be a kitchen-sink drama as well.

And yes, I may be a lily-livered liberal lefty (though I increasingly think the US and the UK definitions of the word 'liberal' must be several light years apart, given the context I see the word thrown around by Americans) but I value realism in art whenever possible, and if people use racist language in real-life, then don't condone or endorse it but show it, by all means. It's just that Mickey Rourke's character in this film (an annoying cross between Billy Rosewood from Beverly Hills Cop and every other hard-assed US movie cop ever, but mostly John Belushi from K9 and Sly Stallone from Cobra, two of the absolute worst of the worst of these) is not just a guy too lazy to avoid using bigoted language that will offend people, he is a douche in general, and the Asian-American reporter's falling for the all-engulfing black hole of his crude anti-charm requires more suspension of disbelief than a Michael Bay Star Wars reboot starring Fox News, shot in 3D.

Give yourself a big present today, tomorrow and forever: don't watch this film.

EDIT: that said, John Lone as the bad guy is pretty good, he gives a realistically subdued performance. Bad '80s movies usually get extra points for having good villains.

[truth]I am bisexual. If you dont like that: you can blow me. If you do: same deal.[/truth]


I began watching this movie on IFC just now and to me its garbage. It has this pretentious 40s 50s Noir and Mystery feel but it fails so poorly each scene.

Another thing I hate about it is how generational it as far as style. I just have difficulty believing a lot of people had those ugly white walled apartments with high ceilings and sterile interiors, like the one where the annoying cheesy news reporter lady lives.
I hated how apparently the Mikey Rourke character forces himself on her and she acts like "she wants it", ugh. I hate this film.


The film is flawed, some bad lines, some bad story telling, even hamminess but its still a good film.

Its that man again!!


Haha! You talk as if being a ‘Lefty’ presupposes that you find racism distasteful, when in fact Leftists are the drivers of modern racism. Racism was on life-support until you came along with your woke identity politics and drove a wedge between every race/gender/sexuality you could find or invent.

Mickey Rourke’s foul-mouthed cop was great, and the left-field surprise violence in the film put it well above usual trashy cop thrillers - this is why the film influenced Tarantino - another filmmaker who trolls oversensitive prudes.

Your appalled reaction to this film just made me appreciate it a little bit more. Thank you.
