MovieChat Forums > Witness (1985) Discussion > 'You're making a mistake.'

'You're making a mistake.'

I always find the scene funny when Harrison Ford tells that guy, "You're making a mistake," and the guy goes, "Boo," and Harrison Ford flips out and starts kicking ass. The look of rage on Ford's face was funny too, especially when he grabs the guy's friend.


I've always been amused by the movie/TV stereotype of police detectives all being martial arts experts and MMA-level fighters. In reality, some can fight well enough to subdue an average suspect; others, not so well.


Some dude punching another one in the face a few times after getting the drop on him is MMA-level fighting? I can now understand why you're so easily amused.


I really liked the expression of total disbelief on Ford's face when the a$$hole knocked his hat off.

In a way, it was a good lesson for both of them. Bullies need to learn what it's like when their victims aren't as defenseless as expected. But I thought it was even more interesting to see a physically strong authority figure be on the receiving end of the smug intimidation when a predator believes he has an easy target.

With just that one facial expression, Harrison Ford did a good job showing that Book was having a brand new experience. (Sadly, women are more likely to be familiar with "I'm going to do what I want and you really can't do much to stop me.")


What was powerful about that scene was that it showed the repercussions of violence, the sadness of it. It cut to the redneck and his friends helplessly trying to deal with his bleeding, made you almost feel sorry for him. This outlook was echoed in the final scene where Book screams at his corrupt boss to stop the violence ("Enough!!").


