Why The Low Rating?

Admittedly the plot was contrived and the characters so dumb that one can't help but root for the animals to slaughter and eat the human protagonists, but the movie goes along at a decent clip. I might also add that the movie soundtrack is great eighties exploitation fare.

I rather enjoyed this movie. (8 out of 10)

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Because it hasn't aged well. . .

"Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."


by - YandereSama on Wed Apr 6 2011 16:44:02
Because it hasn't aged well. . .

My response:
It's a eighties exploitation film and time capsule of the era. This movie was common in grind houses during the eighties, I know because I lived and experienced watching these types of films during the eighties. It isn't supposed to age well, it is very much a product of it's time.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


Let me backtrack a bit, I don't think the film is terrible. Does it deserve a 7 or an 8 no. I think the rating should be a 6. It might have meant to shock people back to the 80s but nowadays it looks too goofy.

However, I give the film credit for the mass lion attack scene. That scene was handled extremely well, even by todays standards and seeing the lions swarming around and devouring one body was somewhat chilling.

"Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."


"It might have meant to shock people back to the 80s but nowadays it looks too goofy."--YanderSama

No, that's exactly it. You got it right, the movie looked goofy the year it was released. That's what made it fun to watch, especially with an audience that added commentary to what was going on up on the screen.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


I dunno, but I thought it was all kinds of awesome. Gotta love those crazy Italians.

"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"


It's kind of underwhelming. It's fun to watch for a laugh, but not a good movie. The dubbing and acting is horrendous, the music is pretty bad too, the picture quality ranges between decent to bad and the finale was... really, really, really stupid.
It's actually kind of creepy in some parts with the animals, I'll give credit for that.

