

Even if the remaining 100 minutes were a test pattern, the opening sequence would rate it a 7.

If you're into pop, the Phil Collins song is just fantastic... really one of the best of the 80's.

Gregory Hines tap is fantastic.

And the little bits... Helen Mirren, The Vysotzy song... are a lot more than one might expect from this sort of 'pop thriller'.

Are some aspects implausible? Sure. But why is it that critics will just gush over a Fred Astaire movie from 1935 that's ---way--- sillier, but just -trash- something more contemporary. Great dancing should be rewarded in any era.

I give them high marks for trying to integrate serious dance into a (fairly) serious movie.

And I think a lot of people who reviewed this so harshly were putting their anti-Reagan politics into it (I think everyone was sick of bad guy Russkie movies by this time) rather than just looking at the -movie-.

7.5. That opening sequence is one of the best things in film dance... EVER.
