if you like

this movie

then here are a few other dark animated movies(yes i know a few have already been mentioned)
-felidae (i think its german..but the dubbed version is on youtube)
-watership down
-plague dogs
-wizards (ralph bakshi film)
-one rat short (not necessarily dark,but its a very emotionial cgi short on youtube...has same lab-like setting as plague dogs)

any others that people can add?
im curious...
i love films like this :)


Grave of the Fireflies... it's about WWII in Japan. Very sad.


Aww I love "Watership Down" my friend!

My Mum never watches many animated films but I put "When the Wind Blows" on one day at home as we played Scrabble and she gradually started focussing on the film and not the game!

She was so impressed that she talked to my terminally ill father about it - she raved about it in fact!

That was 2 years ago and she asked me recently if I still had the DVD as she wouldn't mind seeing it again.

You may wonder what prompted her memory of the film....well we went for a country walk on Mother's Day here in the UK and I remarked on those power windmills high atop a hill in the glorious distance. The birds were singing and the sun was shining and I said how the scene afront us reminded me of the opening scenes of "When the Wind Blows" - that is when the music begins and Jim is on his way home to Hilda. In fact there are several serene images - like when Hilda is hanging the washing out. My Mum lives in a country retreat just like it! xx

I often drink to make people seem more interesting


hadashi no gen (barefoot gen)- i liked it more than grave of the fireflies

ringing bell of chirin - about a sheep who wants to be a wolf. very sad, but i didn't think it was as intense as the other movies above.
