Original Lisa?

Kelly said she turned it down and they filmed five weeks with someone else. Who was it?

 <---Bella's "Kiss Me" Face


Google is your friend (as is the IMDB trivia page). Kelly Emberg is the answer.


That's cause lebrock was stuck up and thought this movie was beneath her! She looked so fn HOTT in this movie. I just wish she posed nude . Oh well.......


I remember LeBrock's commentary after this film, when she was in an interview with her then~ hubby Steven Segal.
She was pregnant again, and was horribly grumpy. She said something to the effect that 'yes, I've got a bun in the oven' and 'she's not very good being pregnant'.
They already had at least one kid. If she was so cranky about it, why did she keep having children?!!

Then she says "I want to do real comedies, not 'bimbo comedies'. I presume she meant Weird Science was a bimbo comedy, which I suppose it was!

But it still put LeBrock on the map, didn't it...and we barely ever saw her again after said bimbo comedy.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Kelly was “on the map “ long before then, and I still despise your self-satisfied signature, you fucking, feckless asshole.


Pretty harsh, it’s just a Danger Mouse quote 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe. Not your typical one, though. There was more to her character than just looking good.


LeBrock was great as Lisa, glad she finally accepted the role.


I knew that many people are only temporarily attached to a film projects as it drift toward shooting - hence so many stories about people turning down roles that eventually became a big hit for someone (but were probably completely different at the time). But I didn't realise they recast once they'd started shooting so often - that's gotta be expensive.


A photo from the original shoot: https://twitter.com/80s_Kidz/status/1654898734562435073/photo/1


I love LeBrock as Lisa but I’ve gotta say… Emberg’s hotter.
