
This film is criminally underrated! Forget Ordinary people, this film is ordinary people, it's like a documentary, a camera placed, by a professional DP of course, in a room and watch people be people. The acting is a cut above and the scene where Hackman finally brakes up with his wife for good, is harrowing, you feel her terror at losing her lifetime partner.


Yes, it's quite realistic, I feel, yet being entertaining at the same time. I also agree that the break up scene was well executed, especially the writing. There was so much honesty in that scene and in so many others in this film.

Quite the forgotton gem.


Quite the forgotton gem. And another one along this line,and not to be missed is " Love Matters" .


I think Ordinary People is a bit underrated itself (not at the time, obviously, but in retrospect), but this is definitely better. It is a very, very good and underrated hidden gem. The realism, as you note, is off the charts. If there has ever been as real a presentation of blue-collar life, I haven't seen it. And Hackman is pitch perfect in the way he awkwardly fumbles through uncomfortable situations without speechifying. I knew he was a good actor, but I didn't necessarily know he had that in him.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


Yes, this movie is underrated. But you must have more respect for Ordinary People, please. Ordinary People is a real masterpiece.
