similar movie

There's another movie with 3 guys that find out that one of them might be the dad of this 6-7 year old kid.
It is also french comedy. Made in the '90s...late '90's; not really sure

Can't remember the name. Maybe somebody can help me out. I would appreciate it.


It could be "Les 3 Freres"? It indeed shares a similar storyline and comedic moments about bachelors learning to take care of a child.

It was a very popular movie in 95 in France, as it starred a trio of comedians ("Les Inconnus") who at the time were at the top of their fame.

Coincidentally, a sequel is just about to be released:


I found it a while ago. I did not know about the sequel. Should be fun.

100 patatoes!!!!

It happens only what is suppose to happen. That's the whimsical fatality!
