MovieChat Forums > The Toxic Avenger Discussion > I am in the finale scene

I am in the finale scene

My name is Frank Michael, though originally slated to be an extra in the crowd at the armory that hot summer day in 83, I happened to walk by Mr Kaufman just as the cast was being assembeled for the finale by the tent when I overheard him saying that one of the uniformed cop actors was not in attendance, so I asked him if I could be a replacement, seeing that I fit the general resemblence to the original actor, he told me to grab the cop outfit and I did.
Though he never asked me for my full name the credits at the end of the movie do not reveal me, they show the original actor's name.
I did not find out about the release until 1986, because the title did not click with me, as the original title of HealthClub Super Hero was what I was awaiting to see and only the glimpse of Melvin on the television made me realize that the film was re-named later on. Oh by the way, I am the cop on the left side of the screen telling Melvin's mom to "move it" while trying to subdue her while she screams for the Army not to shoot her son.




That is totally cool to hear about guy! Lucky you for getting a small part in the movie as an extra. You should be very proud of that.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


You have cute dimples.


Was it absolutely necessary to point a gun at her head?


I'd like to point out irony. That scene was going by as I read what you posted, SO I missed it XD


you were mean...but yes, nice dimple...
*If you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror*


That's awesome man. Must feel great to be in such an iconic film to so many people.
