Bryon and Mark

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I read the book and every S.E Hinton book i read I always picture whats happening in my head. With this book I kept picturing my BF and his best friend in my head (since i didn't see the movie I had to get mental images of what the guys looked like). It was crazy how much all the senerios in this book seem exactly like something that would happen with them. The only thing thats different is that Mark lives with Bryon. Nicky don't live with Steve, but they are neighbours. If I could remake the movie and re due the cast I would make them play the parts of Mark and Bryon, they even have two friends that resemble the parts of Terry and Charlie. Yea, this thread has no purpose, but I just thought I would share lol.


I agree completely. Even when I read her books, exspecially The Outsiders, I could see my friends and myself in it. Its really weird on how the words kinda dont describe not that much but yet when you picture the characters in your head, there exactly or almost exactly the same. I find it really interesting and fun to read. I havent seen the movies myself but my teacher in 12th grade said she let us see it. I plan to rent it ahead of time since Im just about done reading the book. Which I could get into trouble for since I just took the book and walked away with it but I dont care. Its a good book. And I dont get into many books at all. But whats best is how sometimes people can relate to the characters. I think thats the best part of reading a book. Its seeing yourself as someone else. Hope that makes since, probably doesnt. Well I plan to rent the movies and read more of S.E Hinton's books. How many did she make and any you think i should read?



I know 5 that she wrote:
1. The Outsiders
2. That was then, this is now
3. Rumble Fish
4. Tex
5. Hawks Harbour which is a different genre then the rest
I haven't read Tex or Hawks Harbour yet, but so far That was then, This is now is just about up there with The Outsiders. When I read The Outsiders I got mental images of some of the guys I know as well. C.T Howell looked almost identicle to one of my best guy friends, but nothing like i did when I read that was then, this is now. I even called Nicky Mark one night when I wasn't thinking right LoL. Anywho I would recommend sp? any book by S.E Hinton that you haven't read yet. Oh and don't feel bad for taking the books from the school, I stole The Outsiders from school when I read it in grade 8, That was then this is now from the school library, and rumble fish from my friend well, she let me borrow it, and I haven't gave it back yet :> LoL


She wrote 'Taming The Star Runner' also.
I have been reading Tex and I think it's really good.....Better then That was then, this is now. But I read them both in Swedish....not so good, but now I'm looking for them in English so I can get the real deal.
But I also would recommend all the books of S E Hinton.

-War is young men dying and old men talking. //Odysseus



On the subject of her books, has anybody read Taming the Star Runner? I really want to read it, but the stupid NZ libraries don't have it.



I have read Taming The Star Runner. I didn't think it was as good as the other books. This is what S.E. Hinton had on her website,, about the book:

Travis is the epitome of cool, even when he's in trouble. But when he's sent to stay with his uncle on a ranch in the country, he finds that his schoolmates don't like his tough city ways.

He does find friendship of a sort with Casey, who runs a riding school at the ranch. She's the bravest person Travis has ever met, and crazy enough to try to tame the Star Runner, her beautiful, dangerous horse who's always on edge, about to explode. It's clear to Travis that he and the Star Runner are two of a kind, creatures not meant to be tamed.

I think the books seem so real because you can relate to the character or you can picture yourself in that situation. Hawks Harbor is definatly diffrent than the other books. Since S.E. Hinton is older( it was written last year) it isn't about teenagers. It was all right though.

