
I read this book, and Ponyboy Curtis is in it. I wonder why he isn't in the movie?? I guess he wasn't really essential. I was looking forward to seeing him, though!!!

Love me or hate me, you'll never forget me...
*I Love The Outsiders*


I read the book and saw the movie during my S.E. Hinton phase in high school. "That Was Then, This Is Now" is set during the 1980's when it was made. "The Outsiders" was set during the 1960's.


Well, I never saw the movie, so I didn't know that. But, thanks for cleaing that up!!

Love me or hate me, you'll never forget me...
*I Love The Outsiders*


The movie was set in the 80's.

The book was written in 1971, and set about that time. The book was definitely not set in the 80's.

I would imagine that Ponyboy was cut as a minor character.

I loved the book when I read it in the late 70s.

It will be interesting to see the director's cut of the Outsiders when it is released.


Yeah, can't wait for that!!

Love me or hate me, you'll never forget me...
*I Love The Outsiders*




Its a good forum.

It has not got any of that "omg he's so hot" Bullcrap.

"Why are you wearing glasses?"
"Uh, reading."
"Hm. Didn't know you could read."



I remember both the book and the movie when it first came out. The movie definetly did not take place in the 80's. It was 2 yrs after the outsiders. I do remember Ponyboy in the book but he was briefly mentioned in some way in the movie. I cant remember exactly how he was mentioned. I wish the movie was more like the book. S. E. Hinton was such a great writer. I remember reading all her books when I was in high school. So glad to see a re-release of the Outsiders with all the deleted scenes.


The book takes place a year after The Outsiders. It was talking about how the Socs used to jump the greasers, and it said, "Then a year or so ago, a couple of kids got killed in that mess and the fad slowly died out." It was obviously talking about Johnny, Dally, and Bob, so that means it took place a year after The Outsiders.


I'm reading That was Then, This is Now at the moment and Ponyboy was introduced to Cathy and I think Bryon already knew him. He plays a small part when Mark gets rolled by some random with a pop bottle. The book says that Ponyboy is supposed to be two years on from "The Outsiders" as they said that a few years ago some kids got killed or whatever (not bothering to quote) like charlroger said before.


i agree.i was looking forword to seeing him in the movie.i like his caracter.hes interesting.


haha i know what you mean!!

I loved Ponyboy :D

I'm sad he's not in the movie


they probably didnt put ponyboy in the movie because it wouldve been too much trouble trying to get CT Howell, and nobody would've been happy unless it was CTH playing Ponyboy since he is the original...and by my opinon the only, so they just cut out his character compleatly.

if I ever start referring to these as the best years of my life - remind me to kill myself.


'That was then, This is now' takes place in the same town outsiders did. It shows a little of "the other side" of the story i guess. While the main charecters werent involved in any of the fighting from the outsiders, they can still for the most part be considerd "soc's"
As everyone has said it takes place about a year or two after the events of the outsiders, and i think pony was a little add in to prove all of that. Personally, when i read it, i remember really enjoying hearing about him again, even though he only made a brief cameo. It would have been pointless to put him in the movie only because it would have been lost to all those who have never seen the outsiders, or who arent all too quick. It would have required explination which takes time and money. I guess seeing Ponyboy again is reserved only for those who take the time to read :)


yeah, i remember being excited when i read it and ponyboy was in it. it was also interesting, because in The Outsiders, ponyboy is the main character, and of course is the good guy. whereas in "that was then this is now", the main character didn't like him, so you actually see him in kind of a negative light.


the guy in yellow is supposed to refer to pony. they just don't say his name ever.


I swear I remember reading at the end of the book that Cathy ends up dating Ponyboy. Her and Bryan do not get back together like in the movie.


I looked it up and in the book M&M syas that Cathy is going out with some Curtis kid and that the only one she really ever loved was Bryon... So the movie is wrong!
I love Dally so much and steve also ;D


We never see Ponyboy, but there is a reference to him at some point in the movie (can't remember exactly when). S.E.Hinton often links her books by one of her former characters - in 'Tex' Mark returns as criminal on the run, which was not cut from the movie 'Tex' (though Estevez does not play that part, since he's playing someone else in that movie...kind of interesting actually, that most of the S.E.Hinton adaptions use the same group of young actors: Estevez, Matt Dillon, Diane Lane)

