
hmmm dotn know why nobody is on this was a HUGE hit...especially in Canada...anywyas...another great 80s summer movie!!!


I remember watching this movie being filmed when I was a kid around age 6 in 1985.
It was filmed in and around Pass A Grille and St. Pete Beach, Fla. We used to walk to the set for the beach scenes and got to meet Candy, Rip Torn and Richard Crenna.

Cacoon was also filmed there.


Man, that must have been awesome!!. I loved John Candy and was so upset when he died. It would have been amazing to meet the legend himself. Top movie. Watch it all the time here in the UK when it's on Sky.


John Candy was great. This is an often overlooked but hilarious movie. The red-headed kid standing outside the kitchen window picking his nose, the fat guy with the HUGE belch as he points to the "Public Beach Access" sign, the whole scene when Candy is walking through the beach stepping on people, and just how the out-of-towner interacts with all the snotty local people. Very enjoyable movie.


daddy, i wet my bed.
no you didnt, you wet THEIR bed...


John Candy is like a "real-life Homer Simpson" in this movie ;-)


I loved the part where John Candy comes back to the beach house and all these people are in his house and he goes in the bedroom and someguy is watching the smurfs with his dog and John Candy is telling what the hell are you doing? get out? the guy tells him something like relax pal I'm watching the smurfs, and John Candy says oh yeah did you see the one where papa smurf takes a crutch and bashes the guy in the head with it, and the guy leaves, and John Candy looks at his dog like thanks alot! hahah this movie is one of the funniest love it!


Candy returns the favor to the red headed kid by stepping on his hand.


It was huh? My grandmother lived there and I've been fishing at Pass A Grille since I was old enough to hold a fishing pole. I have it coming from Netflix I'll have to see if I recognize anything...
