What does he say???

After John Candy puts a hole in Richard Crenna's yacht, Crenna screams out "I'm gonna get your for this Ritter!"

Who is Ritter?? John Candy's name is Jack Chester in the movie. I feel like Crenna was trying to say "renter", but it deffinitley sounds like he says "Ritter".


he says "I'm gonna get your for this Renter"



Yes, he does say to Candy "renter". I do believe earlier in the movie, when Candy first encounters Crenna in the seafood restaurant, Crenna referres to Candy and his family as "summer renters", something along the lines of "You damn summer renters think you can come down here and take over!" Something to that effect.


Yes, how dare the summer renters go down to Florida and contribute to the state's economy like that...tsk tsk tsk.

As a Floridian, I have more of a problem with snowbirds and retirees (noticable by their Michigan "Great Lakes" tags on their over-sized cars). I'm not sure what they do for the economy here, but I do know they're contributing a lot to me being late to work.

Well there was my off-topic rant for the day.


Yeah, he definitely says "Renter". I don't think he ever calls Candy's character by name, he just refers to him as Renter....as in "You're MY renter now." It might be Crenna's attempt at a Florida accent that throws everybody off.
