Noticed something...

I just watched this again the other day (what better time of year than summer?), and I saw something that I hadn't noticed before: When Sandy and the kids are on Don's boat, Jennifer dives into the water, and then Sandy herself jumps in. But as she's diving in, it looks like Don reaches for her, and not really in a "careful-as-you-dive-in-way", more like a "damn-you're-hot-and-I-want-you-way".

Now, the actors, Karen Austin (Sandy) and John Larroquette (Don), were on "Night Court" together (although she was only on the show for part of the first season, 1984). Since this movie was released in 1985, it would stand to reason that they filmed at least part of it sometime in 1984. It kind of makes me wonder if there was something going on with them, and Larroquette let that show when they were filming the boat scene. Just a thought...

And for trivia buffs, these are the movie posters in the theater (I'm going to try submitting this to the "Trivia" section too, but the last couple of times I did -- for other movies -- my submissions never got posted):

Airplane! (1980)
Dragonslayer (1981)
Uncommon Valor (1983)
Footloose (1984)
Top Secret! (1984)

All, by the way, are Paramount movies, just like "Summer Rental" (coincidence? Probably not...hehe).

There was one more poster, but I couldn't catch what it was. We first see it on the right when Sandy and the kids go into the theater and Bobby says, "We gotta hurry!" (might only be visible in Widescreen). The only word I think I can make out is "Jason", so it might be for one of the Friday the 13th movies (which, of course, are Paramount also). Then we see it again when Bobby whines, "We're gonna miss the beginning!" And then we see it one more time when Bobby goes over to the concession stand.

If anyone could see it and knows which movie it is, please post it to this thread!


I'm watching the movie right now on TNT, but the poster isn't in the frame in the pan-n-scan version. Meanwhile, did you also notice that when Jennifer tosses her headphones up to Jack very early in the film, they're playing the Axel F theme from Beverly Hills Cop (another Paramount film, of course)?

Had to laugh when I heard the ad for this movie: "It's ALL DRAMA when John Candy rents a beach house for the summer." LOLOLOLOL. Boy, they're really stretching the whole "drama network" thing.

"Your tales of delusion lack interest or creativity." -


I always thought that happened just because the implied thing that he and his wife (if he had one? or was he single i can never remember..or widowed rather) weren't together and he did think the character was hot or wahtever....also she without her husband so whatcha thing...desperate housewives yo!



It's definitely Friday the 13th: A New Beginning. I don't know if you have a copy of the film or not, but if you compare the poster in the film to, I'm sure you'll agree that they're the same posters.


Also the girl & boy are listening to Footloose as they walk by the Footloose poster. I love it!


being that I have a tendency to bump old threads myself, I must say, bumping a 5 year old thread is quite impressive.


For my next trick, I'll bump a thread that hasn't been active since the 90's...
