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How many of you have seen this movie, and what did you think of it?



I saw it, it was nothing special.

Come to the board for Jon Vitti!


A great movie from my childhood.



I really like it, been one of my fave John Candy comedies for years, along with Uncle Buck.

"Darkness, inprisoning me"


Uncle Buck has to be one of my favorites also.



I loved this movie--my dad & I watched it a long time ago, and busted up over "Here's a little sea ditty me mother taught me", only to have them sing the theme from Love Boat--we still laugh about it to this day.

"Grizzly Adams DID have a beard"


I did see it, though not in a theatre but in spring,1990 on our home VCR, then a few more times there later in the 1990s, and I did like it okay. But in another topic on this board, "Hits Home", and this topic, it did relate to me in a big real life way, and involving its release date in theatres. It came out on August 9, 1985, and every July from 1970 to 1985 (except 1980 and 1984, when we took another, big trip and I was in summer school), my family took a week long beach trip (or half week in 1981, which was also the last time my father went to the beach-he died the following November 28). Through 1978 we stayed at a rented beach house (as in this movie), then in 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, and 1985 at a hotel. We lived about 4-5 hours away from the beaches we went to (on the South Carolina coast in the area known as the Grand Strand-we went to one until the mid 1970s, then to another one from then on). I did vow the 1985 one would be the last family beach trip (I was 17 and a rising 12th grader anyway), which it was, and I thought about our beach trip history in the weeks before it, and took some pictures during it (July 20-27, 1985), and it was a little nostolgic for me due to this. I then went again in June, 1988 for a few days alone and stayed with some relatives at their rented house, then took one day trips alone in 1989, and 1992-1996 (none in 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991). We then moved in 1997 and I lived in Myrtle Beach, SC most of that year, then took numerous one or two day trips to these beaches in the summers of 1998, 1999, and 2000 (from near my hometown). I don't remember this movie coming out in August, 1985, which suprises me, especially since it had the relevance of being right near our last family beach trip, and that is what it was about (a middle class family taking a July beach trip). This is also suprising to me because during these 1970-1985 trips I absolutely adored swimming in the ocean, and every day during them I spent nearly all day, from the morning until well in the afternoon, in the ocean. We then usually went to a seafood restaurant most evenings, and then often to an amusment park and out onto the nearby pier to observe (other things were occasionally included in these trips). But this was also the case for me in the 1988 trip, as well as the 1989 and 1992-1996 ones. But through the 1980s I simply could not get enough ocean swimming, and even after doing it all that time I still wanted more when we left. But into the 1990s I still liked it for a day, and upon arriving that afternoon I did it for about 5 hours, then left for a seafood restaurant and then the pier, but these few hours satisfied me for ocean swimming, and I didn't want anymore until the next summer. I did notice this big change, which continued for me during 1997 (don't really know why I even went to Myrtle Beach at this stage) and after that (one or two day trips would have been fine in 1998, 1999, 2000), but definitely not the multiple ones I did, which after the initial one I didn't even much like anyway. This is a large part of what caused my car to break down, and I have not been back to any beach at all since June, 2000, which is partly because it hasn't been possible, but also because I just don't want to go now, and I've been very aware during these last five summers that I really have little desire to go and swim in the ocean anymore. I've hoped to move to Miami for a few years, and think I will within a month, at the same time the summer and beach season is starting up, but even though Miami has nunerous beaches (east of it, on Miami Beach) this is not a factor in my move, and I really don't know if I'll go to the beaches there or not (except one that I will definitely go to frequently, though going to this beach has absolutely nothing to do with swimming for me). If I do decide not to move I have thought of the possibility of going to my old South Carolina beach this summer, though it would only be for a day/night, and include (hopefully) a few hours of ocean swimming (though I wonder if this will return for me, even after 6 years), going out on the piers (which by the way I know I will still like), and going to a restaurant (though it will be the Olive Garden near there now, not the seafood restaurants, as I have since become a devoted vegetarian and will not stray from it now). But if I do go to a beach this summer anywhere, it will be the first time I've been to one since seeing the movie Open Water, which I have thought about, and that movie has some beach scenes in it, as well as the main open ocean scenes.


holy $H1T. thats the longest post ive ever seen. i wonder if anyone has ever read the WHOLE post.............


I didn't read the long post, but liked the movie. The banter between Scully and Angus was especially funny.



Holy cow that long post above makes me lose attention about 3 words in. It's inane. Great movie, saw it as a kid in the theatre.



I think this long post is sweet. Not relevant to the movie, really, but someone actually has the cojones to open up their true thoughts on the cold Internet and not give a crap what other people think about it. It's a real insight into a small part of their life and thoughts.


I LOVE this movie! It takes place in FL, one my favorite places to travel to, and helps me through the "winter blues" from time to time. I watch it and remember all the good trips and good times I had in FL. It's a fun little movie. Has some good humor in it. Some pretty scenery too. I recommend seeing it if you like light-hearted comedies and have a particular fondness of FL.




The movie was a mixed blessing. The first half of the movie was hilarious and prime John Candy. The second half of the movie went downhill from there. As soon at the "race" started it became a "Disney" movie. Unfortunately.


I saw it in '85 in the theater with my family. John Candy was my favorite actor. This movie and The Great Outdoors were (and still are) two of my favorites.


Not the greatest movie ever by any means, but there is plenty to like about it. The cast is very good. I liked Rip Torn, Richard Crenna, and the always lovely Kerri Green especially. All the people at 'The Barnacle' were hilarious.

The scene in the fancy restaurant with the lobsters cracks me up. When Crenna says 'I suppose this is uh...YOU'RE wife' and hits his wife is hilarious. A hard scene to describe, you just have to see it. He plays 'the jerk' so well in that movie. Great actor.

I also really liked the Jimmy Buffett song 'Turning Around' that plays over the end credits. I'm not a big Jimmy Buffett fan, but it's a catchy tune.

If you've not seen it, I guess it is not really necessary to. But if you are looking for a fun light-hearted family friendly 80's comedy to play on a rainy day, then check it out sometime.

AH! Here it is.

What a colossal prick.
