Is Fred...Dead?

I am suprised no one else has raised this question. Did I miss something or did I just see Fred get shot, a sad death scene, then him going "ba, ba, ba" along with the ending of the song 'People Kill People'? I'm going to check again but I'm sure that's the last scene of the film.

Can anyone tell what happened to Fred???


"Ba, ba, ba..."



that is how it ends. I don't think you're supposed to know. I liked that actually. You don't know if he survives you don't know if Helena knew that as she was beating on the men he was alive (for a while or forever) Did she later find out, did they run off together merrily. Did lay back down and die? Who knows, it's part of the movie's charm. I think a lot of people in the U.S are so used to seeing films that have a concret ending. I myself was raised in the U.S so I'm amoungst that group but I just think it tends to bother more peole than it did me. like they think that if there isn't a solid ending it was a bad movie. I sort of like to be able to think what I want and let others do the same.


Me, I've always interpreted the ending as the director leaving it to the audience to decide... maybe he 'deserves' to be killed as a consequence of his careless actions (inciting a mafia boss, blowing up the safe, robbing a tube train and all), or maybe not...

Though what I like most about the last scene is that Fred himself doesn't seem all that bothered about what happens to him, in much the same way as the moral consequences of his actions throughout the film don't trouble him either - they are just a means to the end of starting his rock group and getting the girl. That's where the quotes at the start come in, in my interpretation of it - don't waste time moralising, just get on with it! But I agree with everyone else that it's good to have a film that can be interpreted in different ways, and I wish there were more like it!





I just finished seeing it again for the umpteenth time and I think he is alive. The bullet was not all that big and even though the hit man had a good view of what he was hitting, I think Fred lived and everyone lived happily ever after. Am I an optimist or what?



Well, that's your interpretation of it. I thought this movie was really great, I loved the characters in it. Actually i'm trying to find the soundtrack right now. It's quite difficult.


I've found it, it's really round about though.

go to
search for "Subway" under movies
that will bring you to the DVD, scroll a little ways down thougg, liek right under the stars it says "related soundtracks" then below that, highlighted in grey it says "score" that's a link to the soundtrack, which is under imports, possibly why it's so hard to get to haha



I'm not going to worry about the subtleties of this discussion except that I found Fred to be such an annoying little *******.

I was just waiting for him to get shot.

Even Nietzsche would have been happy to celebrate the fact that "Fred is Dead." I'm just sorry that his death merited the end of the film and a kiss from Isabelle A.


Just watched the film and am thinking about it too. Hmm... maybe the circumstance that Fred suddenly wakes up and goes "ba ba ba" along with the song is a sign of hope that he will survive and he and Helena will be together. Or maybe it's sort of a sense of achievement for him that he finally formed a band and have played for an audience (who totally were into the music).


It's surely a reference to jean-Luc Godard's 'Braethless' final scene, where Belmondo lies dying on the ground practising comedy moovements with his mouth.


He's the Highlander, he's immortal. ;-)

I just like to imagine he was wearing a bulletproof vest, in order to fake his demise so he could run away later.


I just like to imagine he was wearing a bulletproof vest, in order to fake his demise so he could run away later.

I think he was faking as to how bad it was. Note when he's speaking with Helena he does a nice 'lie down, roll over and play dead' scene, but when she starts fighting with the man who shot him, he opens his eyes and starts singing with the band. So that in mind, I like to think he survived, that medical help was gotten in time, and when he was recovered enough to be arrested, he just found another way to escape.
