Eric Bogosian?

When the kid goes batsh!t in the grocery store, there are two stockboys standing next to a Stuff display. One of them looks a lot like Eric Bogosian. Anyone know if it's him or not? If it is, that makes 3 Law & Order alumni in this movie...


It is him. In fact, it's him and another guy named Brad Rijn, who both starred in Cohen's previous film "Special Effects". They happened to be in town the day they shot that scene, and so Cohen put them in.


LOL you mention Law and Order for obvious reasons. I remember thinking when Michael Moriarty walks into the big fancy office with those two old guys near the end, he's wearing a big coat, and I thought it was all so reminiscent of an old Law and Order ep.

Mogwai come much responsibility.


It's definitely him. Eric Bogosian doesn't just stand in the scene. He is the guy that picks up Jason and holds him down at the end of the scene. This occurs around the fifteen minute mark of the film.
