Director cameos

Most eyes will catch Frank Oz supervising the exam. Others would also find Terry Giliam as one of the doctors in the tent. But, a very experienced eye would see directors Sam Raimi and Joel Coen as redneck gate guards at the drive-in. Funny how so much talented directors as cames in one movie.

By the way, I think this movie is slightly underated


There's also Michael Apted (Gorky Park, The World is Not Enough) and Martin Brest (Beverly Hills Cop, Midnight Run) standing next to B.B. King in that same drive-in scene. Just before Bruce Davison and William Prince walk into that building to "get a Pepsi".

Connery, Moore, and Brosnan! Accept NO substitutes!


There's also the great SFX directors Ray Harryhausen and Derek Meddings.


Right. Derek Meddings was the genius who created all those amazing miniatures for the Bond pictures!

Connery, Moore, and Brosnan! Accept NO substitutes!


There's even more than that: Dan Aykroyd, Bruce Davison, Frank Oz, Terry Gilliam, Costa-Gavras, Ray Harryhausen, Derek Meddings, Joel Coen, Larry Cohen, Sam Raimi, Michael Apted, and Martin Brest are all directors, technically. Dan only did one movie, but that still counts. In addition, Jim Staahl has written a lot for TV, and Robert Paynter is the Director of Photography on this and other works.


Landis did that in several films for some reason. In Into the Night he not only used directors but people who weren't even actors.
