still very funny

after seeing this movie a hundred times (as it used to be played every week), and watching it again for the first time in a long time its still good. its dated of course yes, but all older movies are of course. when chevy chase offers akroyds head as a polo ball was great.


Great Flick,,,,,,what does he say???? some thing like"Balla o bin di way" then they all laughing Ha ha ha ha


I always liked when they throw the grenade Chase catchs it and Aykroyd says "you don't want it!" and he throws it back. makes laugh every time


Funniest scenes are the exam scene where Chevy is cheating in a very obvious fashion, the G-Force simulator scene and their hilarious facial expressions when they walk out of that chamber, and the scene where they're attempting to operate on that Mujahideen. I couldn't stop laughing at those scenes!

Classic Landis comedy! Much better than "European Vacation" from that same year!

Connery, Moore, and Brosnan! Accept NO substitutes!


I always liked when they throw the grenade Chase catchs it and Aykroyd says "you don't want it!" and he throws it back. makes laugh every time

Yeah, that's funny. He's so nonchalant... Just shrugs his shoulders and calmly tosses it back.


It was amiable but not laugh out funny.

Its that man again!!


Break it down again with the machines!


I liked it then, I like it now.. why so much, I dont know..

when I watch it now, I do realize how corny the 80s movies were.. bad decade for lots of flicks..

-- “A hot dog at the ball park is better than steak at the Ritz.” Humphrey Bogart


Spies Like Us is a classic. Still great today, and VERY underrated at IMDB!



