MovieChat Forums > Spies Like Us (1985) Discussion > Most Irritating Scene ever in a film

Most Irritating Scene ever in a film

This film contains a scene that I think ranks as one of the most annoying and unfunny ever in the history of cinema. The one were CC and DA land in the medical corps camp and pretend to be doctors, and they meet all the other doctors in a tent and do a full round of introductions, along the lines of "doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor" etc - it seems to go on forever.


think it's hilarious myself! i can just imagine the writers sitting down to write THAT sequence.


thought it was really funny as well... but i could see why you would find it irritating, but like i said i loved it..


I thought it was classic, very funny.


That's the most funniest scene ever!!! I can't wait until the dvd arrives!

doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor-docter (finally Chavey chase) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand docter!


That was one of my favorite scenes in the movie... doctor.


Gotta love a thread that covers 3 years!!

And now...I will incise.






Now let's beat up that OLD Bastard George Carlin, he'd appreciate it!


Doctor who?


I think it is hilarious, too.


The reason why I bought the film in the first place. :D

Also check out the Muppets in space-film for a nice little tribute to that scene. :)


Doctor... (now 8 years!)



Now let's beat up that OLD Bastard George Carlin, he'd appreciate it!





But it sets up - and is redeemed by - Bob Hope's cameo. Classic!!


That's forever to you? Wow--you MTV generation kids have no attention span whatsoever. Tell did you manage to get through it all? It took you longer to write up your stupid post.


erm... right mrbrianm, I'm 37 and doubt if I've ever watched more than 30 seconds of MTV in my life, so I don't think the "MTV generation kid" label is terribly accurate. My objection to this scene is simply this:- that it is not funny and it is stupidly reptitive, hence rather boring. As with all boring things, a hearty drag seems to be placed on the passage of time, so for me, it seems to go on forever.
But, if you find that saying the same word over and over again is humorous, you must be easily entertained and it must be wonderful for you to rest your wonderfuly long attention span and hence concentrate on more important things, like how to be more rude and obnoxious to people.

kind Regards.



"I'm 37 and doubt if I've ever watched more than 30 seconds of MTV in my life"

like he said, short attention span :D jk, couldn't resist

I think that is was one of the more funny scenes in the film. kinda like on those sketch shows where something completely ordinary becomes funny whem you realise that it's not going to end anytime soon, extending it even longer brings the element of 'annoying humor', you're getting tired of it makes it so funny. a little bit of running gag in there as least I think so


All I can say is:



...Ok you manage to swing a comedy legend to make a cameo in your film...what do you do? Dan and Chevy look like they are playing rookie ball even at the mention of can't outdo people ideas and 60 years you cop to that fact then go 5th gear absurd...the monotony and lack of any quick tempo zingers is what's funny...Bob throwing out the playful sarcastic banter is what everyone is ready you have him pop in looking for his golf ball etc etc...then you have everyone act as if that happens all the know what...forget're right...maybe he should have farted or been hit with a pie or say things like 'doody'...god forbid comedy have any depth...but hey bro...they're going to make another Police Academy flick, and Adam Sandler is still around so you're all set....

..oh an being 37 and not being able to afford basic cable OR use the remote isn't anything I'd brag were something like 13 or so when MTV debuted...but you've never even seen 30 was made for 13 year old who lack true vision...why assign a vision in your mind to a favorite song that evolves over time? Nahhhh, we can jumpcut and kinda show you 80000 images of what may be T&A before breaking for a commercial with more T&A....buddy your whole aura or lifeforce shouts...I DID INDEED WATCH MTV like they were running out of music...Personally i liked it better when the M in MTV stood for Music, but I stopped watching when they stopped any and all videos...much like the silly spy caper...MTV was filler at best, and-insert any BS flash in the pan here- at it's worst you were standing on the platform with your bags holding your ticket and you say you never saw the train??? Hormones going nuts, only 30 or so cable channels then, no internet? You watched, you liked, we know. And THAT"S why you're opinion of that scene is "saying the same thing over and over again like you know ummm" I submit: The 3 Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, and Even Bob Hope himself...but each his own..Howard the Duck is many peoples favorite movie...and Carrot Top is Brando and Gable just waiting to break out...I think I understand now....

anyway gotta get my early tix for Police Academy MCVIII: The Revenge, this time I'm NOT missing any of the is such a lovely lovely lovely set of cinema



The comedy is in the repitition of it. If you dont get and know why its funny you never will. Plain and simple. All comedy is that way. Thats why some things are funnier to different people. I love that scene but you do have your own opinion against it and thats fine by me. Just puting in my two cents.


I thought that part was hilarious. Typical CC comedy! :)


One of my favorite scenes of all times....

the only thing funnier is the reply to the accusation of short attention span w/: " I'm 37 and doubt if I've ever watched more than 30 seconds of MTV in my life, so I don't think the "MTV generation kid" label is terribly accurate.".


Vanzetti you must be dead inside as that scene is great. makes me chuckle even thinking about it.



Hey.That was un called for!!Im 13 , and so I guess that im part of the mtv group to, but that doesnt mean that I have the attention span of a drowned pigeon!!!!!Im into blues ,soul ,ska, rock, Leonard Cohen , Blues brothers, Starwars, Briget jones and The Frightners are my movies (well the only ones I can think of in 70 seconds.) I love the doctor scene, and I know who Bob Hope is, so please keep you moronic, neolithic views TO YOURSELF.


IMDb is extraordinary. A movie as charming, unassuming and uncontroversial as 'Spies Like Us' inciting not only name-calling, but heavy and intractable judgements of social character? The first fellow is entitled to disliking the scene (although it does seem odd to me, as most people I've watched the movie with have remembered that scene [fondly] more often than any others) and the second fellow has cause for the underlying sentiment of his comments (i.e. "What?! I thought that scene was hilarious!"). Even I am morally bankrupt in this case, considering I'm delivering a lecture to some anonymous flamers. Kudos to the younger chap, who seems to have it pretty together for a 13 year old.

Oh, and I should probably mention that either or both of the aforementioned flamers are comparable in many vital ways to Adolf Hitler himself!

Just doing my part for the cause of failure of integrity on the internet and hypocrisy protected by anonymity.

And to you, gizzmoid, avoid the IMDb forums and it's lurking denizens like a plague. The last thing we need is more movie fans that go on and on cutting up other people and their opinions. Get out while you can!


"Oh, and I should probably mention that either or both of the aforementioned flamers are comparable in many vital ways to Adolf Hitler himself! "

That's the quickest that I have ever seen someone invoke the Godwin's law.


Whoa, 20 years young here and born in the MTV era, but that scene was classic too me. You have to respect Landis's work to enjoy the rich comedy of that scene. That's by far the best scene of that movie in my eyes.

Also, when he's trying to find the appendix and the doctor's keep shaking their heads everytime he moves to a different location on the body. Pure gold.



I've always loved that scene because it reminds me of all the classic comedy of the Marx brothers and others! I think they meant it as an homage to those movies.



That scene is funny. It's kinda like having the 'Who's on First?' bit, but scaled down some. Of course, I also happen to enjoy watching Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase in this movie.

"I feel so funky." -Dr. Peter Venkman


I thought it was hilarious because after calling themselves "Doctor" literally about 20 times, Dan Aykroyd turns to Chevy and says, "....we're not doctors!" I think it's also a bit of social satire on how special doctors think they are that they have to be recognized by everyone thay they are indeed doctors.


i agree with jdparr. and that's a funny part!


Thank you so much for finally hitting it on the head! The funny part of this spiel is the fact that doctors make you call them by their title when you address them. I'm guessing someone sat down and said "I wonder what would happen if you got 7 doctors in the same room?" I think the scene is hilarious!


I would take that scene over the "best" scene from an Adam Sandler or Jimmy Fallon movie any day of the week . . .

"It's a trap!"
- Admiral Ackbar



I loved this film and this bit. We had a professor in college who loved to profess her Doctorate and every so often my buddy and I would pull the bit on the way out of the clasromm. "Doctor, Doctor, Doctor". Classic! Not to mention Bob Hope!


Vanzetti writes: "one of the most annoying and unfunny ever in the history of cinema"

Oh please, you need to watch more lousy comedy, there's plenty of really bad stuff out there. I thought it was clever and funny, and Ackroyd and Chase pulled it off so neatly.


This scene was an homage to a scene done by Groucho Marx in the Marx brothers film "A day at the races" Groucho shows up at a sanitarium posing as a doctor, when he is really a horse doctor, and when he meets the other doctors he does the whole doctor, doctor, doctor thing


It may be an homage to a Marx Brothers film... but it was done in some way or form in every other 3 Stooges episode.

Couldn't really care less who came first, what we're all saying is that the DOCTOR DOCTOR DOCTOR scene in Spies Like Us was a tip of the hat to slapstick comedy from an era long past.


the doctor scene is easily one of the funniest parts of the movie, right along with his conversation with Karen in the tent when she asks if he's mocking her and Chevy says, "Ahh Karen, our first fight"

That's great stuff. They don't make comedies like this and Stripes any more.

Victory is mine!!!


i thought the doctor scene was very funny. it makes a mockery of the standards of people trying to be proper in the middle of the desert.

you can't go home again...but i guess you can shop there
