Eddie Murphy cameo?

At the very beginning of the scene where Fitzhume is in his office watching the old Reagan movie, someone looking an awful lot like Eddie Murphy walks by. Anyone else want to take a look and tell me if you think it's him?


I watched this flick on DVD last night, and I thought the exact same thing. However, shortly afterward I fell fast asleep. Sorry, but this movie is too dull to even care whether that was really Eddie Murphy or not.

Mind you, I =did= come to imdb today to see the overall rating and comments, so what does that say about me and my lack of a life? ;-)



It's DEFINITELY not Eddie.


If you don't like the movie then why do you bother checking the message boards??
FYI: This movie is in no way dull, it's one of the best comedies of the 80's!!!

Try not - do or do not, there is no try!


I concur (Regardless of the subject of this post). one of the funniest movies EVER MADE! That's it. Seriously, that's all I have. LEAVE ME ALONE!


Wow -- what are you talking about? That guy was really tall, did not look anything like Eddie> And why would he do an extras-style role in this type of movie at the beginning of the peak in his career?




I bought this on dvd years ago. Many times have i paused and zoomed on the man in question. I want to say, YES, it is him. There just isnt enough to go on. Others who have watched it with me also have noticed this guy. The only thing I can say for sure is, IF it ISNT Eddie Murphy, it could very well be his identical twin.


Definitely not Murphy. The same man appears the exam room as well.


I love this movie and I just recorded it on Tivo. I paused the film and moved ahead frame -by- frame. This does look like Eddie in normal speed. However, in slow motion it looks like Dave Chappelle pretenting to be Eddie. In conclusion, unless Eddie Murphy grew 8 inches taller, grew bushy eyebrows, and decided to take the briefest cameo in Hollywood history, then it is not him.


it's bubba smith


Hahahaha...Bubba Smith...hahahaha!!!


Just had a close look - not Eddie.

I have an eternal hope.


Murphy had worked with director John Landis before in Trading Places, so if it was him, maybe Murphy was doing a favor by doing a cameo.


1st reply on imdb.

me and a few buddies watched SLU tonight. 1st time in about a year for me. LOVE IT! and yep. I thought it was eddie too.


Bottom line it was not him, just a black extra. Looks similar to Eddie but is too tall and may I say not as good looking as Eddie Murphy.


wow. that is not even close to being eddie murphy.


Murphy had worked with director John Landis before in Trading Places, so if it was him, maybe Murphy was doing a favor by doing a cameo.

So, just so I understand what you meant there, Eddie Murphy was the star of Trading Places with Dan Akroyd, in Trading Places, directed by the same director of this movie, so he just kinda stopped by the set, to pay him a favor. Didn't really want to do any lines or get noticed.

Yeah, I can see how that makes sense. He just wanted to not be in the movie and stayed out of the scene for the most part, as a favor to John Landis. I can really see that how you do. Totally.


I noticed that recently. I was wondering if it was him.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


You know, it could be Charlie Murphy. He's a bit taller, and a lot "rougher" looking than Eddie. Superficially, they look a lot alike, being brothers.


That extra looks more Eddie's ugly brother in the movie "Bowfinger", but not a 1984 Eddie Murphy, wasn't him in that scene for sure.


lmao. I thought the same thing. bowfinger.

-- 'I dont mind a reasonable amount of trouble.' Humphrey Bogart, The Maltese Falcon


Not Eddie or Charlie Murphy either. Charlie has a couple of inches over Ed I'd guess and is a bit beefier in build. The guy who walked past is much taller and fairly slender in build. Plus, he looks somewhat older than Eddie Murphy would have looked in the early-mid eighties. Sure the film was full of insider cameos but that one would make little sense. Just an extra walk-past blip done by an in-demand comic actor with his own leading roles??

Even B.B. King had a couple of lines. No way Eddie Murphy plays an extra then. I think I've actually seen that guy elsewhere but I couldn't say when or where. Just one of those background types we see around.

Eeek!!! I'm getting dressed.
