On Drugs?

This is what happens when a bunch of old hippies get together and decide to make a movie about a talking bird who wants to run away from home. I love Jim Henson. I'm such a JH fan that I have a kermit tattoo on my body. This movie is great, but you can tell that the directors and producers were all smoking hash when they made it! Ms.Finch is the most evil looking character I've ever seen. Whoda thunk that a bird could look that evil?


Yeah Ms. Finch is scary looking! :O Those big eyelashes are so creepy!


You know, I am SO TIRED of this "drugged up" interpretation of Henson's work. It's stupid, annoying, uncreative, and frankly, disrespectful to someone else's hard work and creativity.

I am sorry you are so narrow-minded that you cannot allow someone's work to be attributed to their own mind and not an outside substance.

"We had part of a Slinky, but I straightened it."


I'm sorry that you have no sense of humor. You must live a very "serious and boring," life. Yeah, it doesn't feel good to be pre-judged, does it? It's a fact that Henson smoked weed while creating sesame street. If you don't believe me, research it. I'm a huge Henson fan and he did smoke weed. There's nothing wrong with that, but it is a fact. I didn't say that he wasn't creative, did I? When did I say that and why are you putting words in my mouth?


I do, in fact, have a sense of humor. I do NOT, however, find this funny.

I was also not "pre-judging" you, to i-ll quote you. I have never found it to be a "fact" that Henson was ever involved in drugs and I am suspicious of your resources on that "fact".

And, frankly, I do not care if you are a "Henson fan". That is niether an argument nor a defense for anything you said.

My reference to his creativity was not intended for your statement. I think you are a little paranoid. It was a reference to Henson's work. I knew someone who insisted The Eagles' "Hotel California" was about drugs simply because she didn't get it. That is my point. I am tired of people assuming things are about drugs or influenced by drugs because they do not understand the ideas or wonder where the ideas stem from.

I did NOT put words into your mouth. When did I do that, may I ask?
And as I said before, I think you're a tad paranoid.

"We had part of a Slinky, but I straightened it."


Considering that Henson was a Christian Scientist and wouldn't even take medicine to cure the illness that killed him, I doubt he smoked pot...


He was raised a christian scientist, but he wasn't practicing at a later age. That's not why he died fool. Any you can tell by watching any of Jim Henson's early work that he was interested in teaching people about psychedelics. Psychedelic meaning exploration of the psyche. That doesn't necessarily mean that he did any hallucinogenic substances, but if I had to guess I would say that it's more than likely. He was a beardie from the sixties after all, which is not a bad thing. I love the guy. He's one of my heroes. Here are some videos to back up my statements.




Im stoned, and it'll do fine, cause thats what i wanna be.


Why did both Sleaze get arrested, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

How come Sid was arrested, when Sam was real culprit? I felt extremely sorry for Sid, who did nothing wrong but ended up with a life sentence for stealing the boy's apple!

How come the state trooper would not give up looking for the two Sleaze brothers? Why didn't he just go to the fun fair, where the boy had his apple stolen?

How come Sid couldn't cry real tears?

Sid was a good bloke, just misled by Sam! We find this out, when Big Bird is singing 'The Blue Bird of Happiness Song' and Sid starts crying.

Poor Sid!

If they had caught Sam, but Sid wasn't in the truck, do you think that the state trooper might have carried on looking for him?


A lot of Sesame Street and, for that matter, The Muppet Show and other Muppet-related creations are awesomely trippy. It is quite possible that they were created under the influence of mind-altering chemicals, but there are some famously weird artists that have been straight too, like Frank Zappa and Salvador Dali. Dali once said, "I don't do drugs. I am drugs." Perhaps this was the case with Jim Henson as well.


Why did both Sleaze brothers go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

How come Sid was arrested, when Sam was real culprit? I felt extremely sorry for Sid, who did nothing wrong but ended up with a life sentence for stealing the boy's apple!

How come the state trooper would not give up looking for the two Sleaze brothers? Why didn't he just go to the fun fair, where the boy had his apple stolen?

How come Sid couldn't cry real tears?

Sid was a good bloke, just misled by Sam! We find this out, when Big Bird is singing 'The Blue Bird of Happiness Song' and Sid starts crying.

Poor Sid!
