Bad idea

I think both of these movies were good, but a bad idea for a Big Movie. I mean, Sesame Street is for children, little tiny children, teaching them education and things. If they are going to make movies of Sesame Street, there should be no kidnapping, capturing, telling people to "shut up!", whacking them on the head with a hat, putting characters in cages. If she are going to make a movie about Sesame Street, it should only be educational. You know, like the series. That other stuff is inapropriate and scary for children. Who else agrees with me?


when people go to see a movie, they don't look for education, not even little children. They want to be entertained. I think this movie is great mix for adults and kids. This movie shows kids that everything in this world is peaches and cream, like on Sesame Street, it shows how realistic things are in our world and how these situations can happen. Actually, when you think about it, this film does teach several things. For one, after seeing this film, kids will realize they shouldn't talk to strangers, because Big Bird trusted the Sleaze Brothers, when he shouldn't have. It also taught kids, they shouldn't dangerous stunts, such as jumping from trucks. Other than that, it's great that CTW made a film outside of their TV show, which both entertains and teaches kids, they wanted to go for pure entertainment with this film and step away from education, just for that 1 hour and 1/2, which turned out to be really good, IMO.


Yes, I think the only reason they made a movie was the fact that the other Muppet films did well. The problem is that the muppets from the Muppet Show are funnier and for everyone. The SS muppets are for kids, and personally, I didn't like all of them as a kid.



well....another person pointed out the anti-racism thing...

so...there's a lesson for you. lol


It was an okay Sesame Street movie.


What exactly did you want from this movie? You seriously expected an entire movie about ABC's and 123's? This movie was about education, it was about racial diversity and that you don't need to live in an area with only your "own kind" to be raised properly. It's an important lesson that seems to be lacking in some people even today.


Don't take rides from strangers, and never steal apples.


Oh God forbid children watch a movie with an actual plot that has nothing but positive social messages! Please, you're acting like shut up is so horrible. The kidnappers were mean, as kidnappers are. Besides, kidnapping is something kids SHOULD be scared of. Some fear is necessary for safety.

Plus, they do learn a lot. They learn things that are more important than ABC's and 123's. They learn that you don't have to look alike to be friends or family. They learn that you should not trust strangers because that might kidnap and hurt you. They learn that running away can have bad results. They learn that the people who love you and take care of you are your real family. I would much rather have my children know this than academic things.


and how tasty car bumpers can be, without even ketchup.


-that you should never jump from a moving vehicle. You shouldn't even be standing up.

I always remembered that from this film.



Why did both Sleaze get arrested, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

How come Sid was arrested, when Sam was real culprit? I felt extremely sorry for Sid, who did nothing wrong but ended up with a life sentence for stealing the boy's apple!

How come the state trooper would not give up looking for the two Sleaze brothers? Why didn't he just go to the fun fair, where the boy had his apple stolen?

How come Sid couldn't cry real tears?

Sid was a good bloke, just misled by Sam! We find this out, when Big Bird is singing 'The Blue Bird of Happiness Song' and Sid starts crying.

Poor Sid!

If they had caught Sam, but Sid wasn't in the truck, do you think that the state trooper might have carried on looking for him?


>>I think both of these movies were good, but a bad idea for a Big Movie. I mean, Sesame Street is for children, little tiny children, teaching them education and things. If they are going to make movies of Sesame Street, there should be no kidnapping, capturing, telling people to "shut up!", whacking them on the head with a hat, putting characters in cages. If she are going to make a movie about Sesame Street, it should only be educational. You know, like the series. That other stuff is inapropriate and scary for children. Who else agrees with me?<<

I don't agree at all. This film is supposed to be about an adventure, which is what it is. What would you expect a Movie to be about? They can't stick to the TV format, that wouldn't work at all. And on the subject of 'Kidnapping and Capturing' I think you've got a mixed up view of that. That whole idea is to show that bad things can happen to good people but the good people can win in the end. And what is wrong with telling people to shut up? Thats just a humourous element to the film. And in Life, everyone does it, including Kids. Do you think that Kids movies should be all about nothing but lovely happy things all the time? If that were the case then that would be lying to Children completely, because the World is not totally perfect. Yes don't scare them too much but throw in warnings that there are dangers out there, but if they're careful then they'll be ok. Also bad things have happened to Kids, and in a Film like this, to show some bad or sad things happening to one of their Idols can in a way showe them that they're not alone.
