George Lucas?

It says he's an extra in this film. Does anybody know where and when?


I've been wondering that myself. I've watched the movie a few times with my class at work and I have yet to spot him.


Sid Sleaze might have been stupid, but he certainly wasn't evil! I would be more scared having an encounter with Miss Finch than I would with Sid, anyday of the week.

Why were the two Sleaze Brother sent to jail, and yet Miss Finch whom was also a villian got off scott free?

Why was the state trooper looking for two men, as opposed to one? Sid did nothing wrong. He was not responsible for taking the boy's apple.


Last scene when they are panning all the people, monsters, and what nots on Sesame Street he is in the window behind Bert and Ernie. Google "George Lucas Follow That Bird" and look at images.

