
anyone else get the feeling that gordon and the deaf lady got a thing going on? he always seems to be with her. it's not like he's her interpreter, there are a lot of other people that sign with her. also, she's leaning on him in a familiar way when they are camping out during the one little star song. anyway, i just think it would be cute if they were a couple.


Gordon is married to Susan, so he can't be with Linda.


It seemed to me that Linda was always with Bob LOL I always thought they were dating personaly.



Linda and Bob did have a bit of a thing for a while. It was played out a little but just sort of dissipated... probably because Bob was in the closet. Thats right, I said it and you all know its true! ;)


I think that Bob is a lifetime bachelor.


I thought that same thing back in 1985 and I was only 5!


Sid Sleaze should not have gone to jail for Sam's action. If the state trooper had been considerate, he might have given Sid a caution and took Sam in for questioning.

Why did both men go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

How long did both Sleaze Brothers go to jail for?

What happened to their fun fair, while they were in prision?

Did Sid cry in court?

Was Sam ever sorry for taking the boy's apple?
