MovieChat Forums > Follow That Bird (1985) Discussion > Hoping to put the whole 'questioning of ...

Hoping to put the whole 'questioning of the Sleaze Brothers' to rest

Since someone on here keeps going onto other threads and asking questions about the Sleaze Brothers (I will not name names), I thought I'd try and clarify some things, and give this topic it's own thread.

1) Why did both Sleaze brothers go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

When they are pulled over by the trooper at the end, he reads them a list of things that the two have done:

Sam Sleaze: What seems to be the problem, officer? Whats the charge?
State Trooper: [looks through his notebook] What about counterfeiting, extortion, fraud, impersonating a dentist, stealing an apple from a kid?

As we can see from these quotes, there have been quite a few charges racked up than just stealing that kid's apple. Though keep in mind that whether they both went to jail is left to speculation.

2) How come the state trooper would not give up looking for the two Sleaze brothers? Why didn't he just go to the fun fair, where the boy had his apple stolen?

The brothers had already moved on from their previous set-up, before they arrived in the city of Toadstool. My assumption was the boy felt wronged, and like any kid is told (well, in our day in the 80's), reported wrongdoing to the Police. Plus, considering they also overcharged him for the Ferris Wheel (Sam demanded 10 cents for the kid to be let down), I probably would have reported this to the Police as well. And of course, by the time they went back to the fun fair, it was packed up and gone.

As to how the trooper and the boy managed to catch them, maybe an APB (all points bulletin) was put out on the men, and someone driving through Toadstool called the troopers). The trooper, most likely wanting the little boy to know that justice was done, offered to bring him along.

Though in terms of movie-logic, once Big Bird had been found by his friends, the movie still needed to get the bad guys (or bad guy, if you decide to not include Sid).

3) Did the Sleaze Brothers' truck get impounded?

It's most likely that it was-keeps them fro trying to make a getaway. Then again, they don't have a vehicle that could blend in that well with its surroundings.

4) Do you think that Sam could have spent longer in prison than Sid? Is it possible that Sid might have been let out early for good behaviour?

This enters into the realm of 'what if,' since the last we see of the two men is Sid Crying, and Sam looking to try and talk his way out of the situation.

It is entirely possible that a judge could have seen that Sid was an accomplice in Sam's schemes, and given his a shorter sentence or let him off.

Of course, Sam could also have been one of those guys that wouldn't go down alone if he was tried. One could almost imagine him bullying Sid to not say anything incriminating about him on the witness stand. Sam seemed a big enough jerk to pull that stunt.

5)What happened if Sid got bullied in prison? Would Sam have stood up for his younger brother?

Sam didn't seem like the kind really to show pity. He's the rougher of the two, and Sid is moreso the guy with the heart, albeit kind of the lapdog of the two. Sam would probably have been like, 'aw, tough it out, Sid.'

"Ridiculous Lucky Captain Rabbit King! Lucky Captain Rabbit King nuggets are for the youth!"


How did the Sleaze Brothers get all their rides, stock, tents, baggage on that tiny truck, when they moved from town to town?

How come the state trooper believed the boy's story and not the Sleaze Brothers?

How was the small boy their friend? As Sam exclaims "We was just holding it for a friend"?

The boy didn't seem to like either Sam or Sid Sleaze, or he would not have reported them to the police.

How come the boy still held a grudge towards the two men, days after his apple was stolen?

What happened if the two men had forgotten all about the apple theft, by the time that the copper found the two men?

Why did Sam pull over, and not take off once the motorcycle was following their truck?

Lastly, would the state trooper had arrested Big Bird if he had still been locked in the cage, when the police officer found the two men?

Would Big Bird had gone to jail, along with the Sleaze Brothers?


"How did the Sleaze Brothers get all their rides, stock, tents, baggage on that tiny truck, when they moved from town to town?"

This falls into the realm of movie-logic. I did remember how the 2 brothers just seemed to have packed up everything into that tiny truck of theirs. This is one of those things that the audience has to suspend their disbelief to realize.

Keep in mind this is a world in which an 8ft yellow bird can walk around and most people don't think anything at all strange about this.

"How come the state trooper believed the boy's story and not the Sleaze Brothers?"

Keep in mind that the man checked their file, and then had that list of information about counterfeiting, extortion, and fraud.

The fact that they stole an apple from the kid, is kind of the movie's way of saying the guys have gone too far. It's usually the little things that someone will do that makes them get caught.

How was the small boy their friend? As Sam exclaims "We was just holding it for a friend"?

The mentioning of 'friend' was not related to the boy. It was their way of saying, 'we were holding onto it for someone else.' Sam was trying to deflect the apple blame from himself. It's kind of the old schoolyard thing when a kid does something bad, and then blames someone else for making him do the bad action.

"The boy didn't seem to like either Sam or Sid Sleaze, or he would not have reported them to the police."

You make it sound like the boy wanted to start trouble. The boy felt he had been wronged by having to pay an extra 10 cents and the stealing of his apple. Sam most likely figured "stupid kid, he'll get over it." Sam seemed the kind of guy willing to step on other's toes for his own gain.

"How come the boy still held a grudge towards the two men, days after his apple was stolen?"

My guess is that he reported this to the officer on the same day. As well, Sam demanded an extra 10 cents to let him down from the ferris wheel. Plus, don't forget there was a list of other things that the officer found on file which he tells Sam, when the brother asks, 'what's the charge?'

"What happened if the two men had forgotten all about the apple theft, by the time that the copper found the two men?"

Sam it seems had put it out of his mind. Taking a kid's apple just seemed like something he'd do out of boredom. Though given this is a world based on movie-logic, people would be more apt to buy the kid's story.

Also, there was that list of other bad things they had done.

"Why did Sam pull over, and not take off once the motorcycle was following their truck?"

I seriously doubt their truck could attempt to outrun a motorcycle. Generally, a sane person will pull over if an officer turns on their lights, and follows close behind him. Sam at this point had no idea that the kid had reported him to the Police, or that the kid was with the officer.

"Lastly, would the state trooper had arrested Big Bird if he had still been locked in the cage, when the police officer found the two men?"

If they had found Big Bird in the cage, they would have questioned who he was. Big Bird being who he was, would have most likely told the Police the truth (about him being kidnapped, and wanting to get back to Sesame Street). My guess also is that if Big Bird had been found in the truck, the charges could also have included kidnapping towards the two brothers(Big Bird may be a big bird, but his personality is centered around that of a young child).

"Ridiculous Lucky Captain Rabbit King! Lucky Captain Rabbit King nuggets are for the youth!"


Why did Sid never drive in the film?

Where were the Sleaze Brother's mom and dad?

How did the Sleaze Brother go shopping or cook their food?

Why were neither of the Sleaze Brothers married?

How come the State Trooper didn't search the Internet, looking for a fun fair with the name 'Sleaze' attached to it?

Did The Sleaze Brothers have any other siblings?

Were The Sleaze Brothers rivals but also remained friends?


"Why did Sid never drive in the film?"

Maybe he never took a driver's test, or failed out.

"Where were the Sleaze Brother's mom and dad?"

As they were not of concern to the story, we cannot say for sure.

"How did the Sleaze Brother go shopping or cook their food?"

Maybe Sam shoplifted some of their food for the two. I'd also assume they'd have a hot plate or something to make something with. The two didn't strike me as gourmets, so they probably got by on prepackaged foodstuffs.

"Why were neither of the Sleaze Brothers married? "

They didn't strike me as the kind that would want to settle down. Plus, I'm not sure many women would want to be married to two carnival barkers.

"How come the State Trooper didn't search the Internet, looking for a fun fair with the name 'Sleaze' attached to it?"

Um, this film came out in 1985. The internet wasn't even considered a crime-solving tool yet.

"Did The Sleaze Brothers have any other siblings?"

Like the parents questions, one can only speculate.

"Were The Sleaze Brothers rivals but also remained friends?"

I don't think Sid was much of a rival to his brother. They kind of worked in the usual brains/sidekick means. Wherein you'd have one guy who would be the idea man, the big thinker, and the other would be a sidekick or henchman some of the time.

"Ridiculous Lucky Captain Rabbit King! Lucky Captain Rabbit King nuggets are for the youth!"


Why is Big Bird yellow?

Why would anybody care about an eight foot yellow bird on the run?

Isn't apple theft a complete waste of police time?

Why is the sky blue in the film?

Do birds really talk? I never knew that birds could talk?

Why didn't Big Bird fly? How did Big Bird get on an airplane with out a passport? Can air flight tickets be sold to animals?

Why do the characters suddenly burst into a song? Where does the music come from? I can't see an orchestra playing anywhere in the film?

How come the count has an obsessive-compulsive thing about counting?


Oh, man, you've let yourself in for it. Bridget99 has been going on and on about the injustice done to the Sleaze brothers for at least three years.


Any parent, who is foolished enough to let a small boy go to a fun fair in the middle of the countryside, knowing that there is always trouble (even in the daytime) should be contacted by social services!

I mean where were the small boy's guardians? Why was he at the fun fair on his own? Why wasn't he with any of his friends?

Why did he parents give him a lunchbox?


This is just a movie.


So why in this movie, do all they good guys (like Sid) lose and all the bad people (like Miss. Finch) get off?

Why do innocent people go to jail?
