To Bridget99-

-it seems that every other thread on here, you have attempted to hijack with questions regarding the Sleaze Brothers.

If this is such a big concern of yours, why don't you start your own topic regarding this injustice or speculation about the two brothers?

It doesn't do much good to jump into the middle of a topic with something else of different concern.




You know, calling me names isn't a very nice thing to do.

And for your information, I saw this film when I was 5, but I still remember it.

Though it is hard to say why I am pathetic and dumb for watching a movie like this. Since you are questioning this movie and hijacking multiple topics with your same topic about the Sleaze Brothers.

It really would be more economical to just create a separate topic to discuss it.

"Ridiculous Lucky Captain Rabbit King! Lucky Captain Rabbit King nuggets are for the youth!"


Go and watch your little baby film. Be nostalgic in your sad little life. Go back to nursery school. Then again for the way you spell, you most probably are a pre-school child.

You have bad communication skills and need to take social lessons (or get out more).

Even Simon Cowell would laugh at you!



I should grow up?

I make a suggestion, and suddenly I'm being called names. I didn't deliver some expletive-laced ultimatum. I approached what I saw across this board in what I felt was a rather dignified manner.

"Ridiculous Lucky Captain Rabbit King! Lucky Captain Rabbit King nuggets are for the youth!"


You accused me of being a troll asking irrelevant questions about the Sleaze Brothers.

Why are you trying to start an argument with me?


The reason was, because you kept going onto other topics, and changing it to your questions regarding the Sleaze Brothers.

Most people when they have something on their minds, they start a new thread. However, in the case of your questions, you ended up peppering other topics with your questions.

So, I also took the liberty of starting such a thread regarding your concern about the Sleaze Brothers. Though I am rather curious as to why this is such a great concern. Have you tried writing to the film's screenwriter? You could also try to contact Dave Thomas and Joe Flaherty who were Sam and Sid, and see if they might have some insight as well.

Btw, I didn't use the word troll in this thread. I could have, but I didn't.

"Ridiculous Lucky Captain Rabbit King! Lucky Captain Rabbit King nuggets are for the youth!"


You are a complete 'outcast'. Go and look the word up in a dictionary sometime!


And for your information:

1  /ˈaʊtˌkæst, -ˌkɑst/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [out-kast, -kahst]

1. a person who is rejected or cast out, as from home or society: In the beginning the area was settled by outcasts, adventurers, and felons.
2. a homeless wanderer; vagabond.
3. rejected matter; refuse.

4. cast out, as from one's home or society: an outcast son.
5. pertaining to or characteristic of an outcast: outcast misery.
6. rejected or discarded: outcast opinions.

Since it seems there's nothing left to discuss, I'll be dignified and just walk away. Name-calling is below me.

"Ridiculous Lucky Captain Rabbit King! Lucky Captain Rabbit King nuggets are for the youth!"


Oh go and watch your little baby film called 'Sesame Street presents Follow that Bird'!

So long loser.



Everything that the Sleaze Brothers did wrong was down to Sam. He was the villian, the cheat and the scandal of this movie.

Sid was bashful, timid and a shy person. HE WAS INNOCENT! If Sam had suggested making their fun fair a charitable organisastion and all the proceeds going towards a good cause, then Sid would have gone along with idea.

It would never have even crossed Sid's head to kidnap Big Bird.

Sid: "Nah, I wouldn't pay to see no bird"

Sam "No, No. People would pay US to see that bird. US, US, US"

Why didn't this movie give a happy ending? Sid Sleaze going to jail was no way a happy ever after ending.

Both Sam and Sid Sleaze were doomed to spend their lives in jail; all for the sake of stealing a boy's apple.

Sid didn't even touch that apple, nor did he talk down to the boy!


I'm really not sure if Bridget99 is a genius, some kind of savant who posts these things on here completely tongue-in-cheek...or if he/she is just a totally anti-social retarded person.

What is it, Bridget99?

"Let's go get sushi, and not pay."


Sid Sleaze was not really bad, he was just child-like. The Stan Laurel of the duo. Therefore he was not a villian.

He did not deserve to go to prison. Justice is not fair in this movie. Sid was not a trouble maker.

Sam was a bully and partly a thug. He was not a nice person! He was greedy and self-obsessed, especially with his run-down fun fair.

The State Trooper (John Candy) should have taken Sam in for questioning and let Sid carry on running the fun fair.

You can tell that Sid was scared by the way he carries on crying: "The Judge Sam. Jail".

Poor man!


Wow, Bridget99, you're STILL here trolling this board two years later? You really need to move on to something else.


Any parent, who is foolished enough to let a small boy go to a fun fair in the middle of the countryside, knowing that there is always trouble (even in the daytime) should be contacted by social services!

I mean where were the small boy's guardians? Why was he at the fun fair on his own? Why wasn't he with any of his friends?

Why did he parents give him a lunchbox?


Hearing someone (troll or otherwise) argue the merits of Sid Sleaze's legal case (facetiously or otherwise) is quite amusing.


Sid Sleaze was a very nice man. He did not take (or steal) the boy's apple. He was just a bandstander. Sam was the real villian. He should have spent everyday of his life in prison.

Why did Sid go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

Sid was clean and should have carried on running the fun fair.

I think people forget that The Sleaze Brothers had little money and could barely afford to eat.

Why was the kid so mean to both Sam and Sid Sleaze? Where was his mom and dad?

Why did the boy have to report the two brothers to the police? Why didn't he just let the inciddent beforgotten about?


Ya know, I don't think Sid should have gone to jail either.


Why did Sid go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple? How could two men be guilty of stealing an apple?

What did Sid do wrong? Sam was a bad influence and should never done the things he did.

Sid was different. Sid was a lot more childlike and innocent. Sid ended up a broken man because of Sam.

Sid Sleaze truly not belong in jail.
