MovieChat Forums > Follow That Bird (1985) Discussion > little shop of horros set!

little shop of horros set!

its the same set as little shop of horrors. the stairs, where in little shop the black woman with the grocery bags goes up, and even the plant store is in the movie. anyone else agree, that this is the same set?? or am i just pretending. i swear, watch both back to back, or side by side if you can. they are the same set. i know it.


Sid Sleaze was a very nice man. He did not take (or steal) the boy's apple. He was just a bandstander. Sam was the real villian. He should have spent everyday of his life in prison.

Why did Sid go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

Sid was clean and should have carried on running the fun fair.

I think people forget that The Sleaze Brothers had little money and could barely afford to eat.

Why was the kid so mean to both Sam and Sid Sleaze? Where was his mom and dad?

Why did the boy have to report the two brothers to the police? Why didn't he just let the inciddent beforgotten about?


lol if sam and these people, and that *beep* kid are from this movie, then i bet what i just read is really funny. so im going to watch the full movie now, and then re read this, and probably laugh. lol, btw, you know how people are always finding god, and jesus things in random objects, like, the face of jesus on an iron, or on a chip, or log, and so on and so on. did you know people do the same thing with allah. like, omg, or, oma i guess in this case, "oma, this river from way up high spells allah" i mean really?


i agree t must b the same set as both films r done by warner bros


Sid Sleaze should not have gone to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple.

Sid wouldn't have it in him to take anything from anyone. He was way to nice.

I think that a nice Judge could have seen that Sid was vulnerable and reconsidered his charges.

Sam was as guilty as hell, and did not stand a chance of getting off the hook! Sam belonged in jail. Sam was a bad influence to his brother, and if he had been nicer person maybe Sid could have altered his annoying way.


Ya know, I don't think Sid should have gone to jail either.


Why did Sid go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple? How could two men be guilty of stealing an apple?

Sid was too nice to go to jail. He was a really kind fellow.

Sam was a villain. Sid wasn't!

What did Sid do wrong? Sam was a bad influence and should never done the things he did.

Sid was different. Sid was a lot more childlike and innocent. Sid ended up a broken man because of Sam.

Sid Sleaze truly not belong in jail.


you know now that I think about it they do look similar and wouldn't surprise me, since Warner Bros. produced both films, so maybe the backlot of the studio was used for both films.

It's also funny you mention this, because Frank Oz directed Little Shop of Horrors and he's a puppeteer on this film.


Sid Sleaze was did not take the boy's apple, therefore should not have been sent to jail!

Sam was took the boy's apple, and therefore deserved to be punnished!

Why did both men go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple? Sid Sleaze was the good guy in this film.

Sid was not even paying attention, when Big Bird was reported missing on the news!

Sam was the brains behind all the schemes!

Only Sam should have gone to jail, as he was the man who stole the apple!
