MovieChat Forums > Follow That Bird (1985) Discussion > Gordon is one Bad Mother... Shut 'yo mou...

Gordon is one Bad Mother... Shut 'yo mouth!

I love Gordon! there was always something kind of cool about him when I was a kid (I think its the tash) and I love this movie. I watched it with my partner the other night, she'd not seen it before and we couldn't get over the fact that Gordon was totally badass in it! You could never imagine Bob standing on the front of a moving car! I'm I alone here or do others feel that he's the CTW king of cool?


Yeah, Gordon always stuck in my head years later.

Just him getting in the car and going: "Let's, fol-low that bird!"

But also liked him trying to coax Big Bird to do something that to him was so simple: jump over to him. Though I love the exasperated look he gives when Big Bird reasons that you should not jump from a moving car. And Gordon trying to temper his exasperation goes: "You HAVE my permission-just this once."

"I...Drink...YOUR...MILKSHAKE!!" -Daniel Plainview, "There Will Be Blood"


Why did both Sleaze brothers go to jail, when it was only Sam who stole the apple?

How come Sid was arrested, when Sam was real culprit? I felt extremely sorry for Sid, who did nothing wrong but ended up with a life sentence for stealing the boy's apple!

How come the state trooper would not give up looking for the two Sleaze brothers? Why didn't he just go to the fun fair, where the boy had his apple stolen?

How come Sid couldn't cry real tears?

Sid was a good bloke, just misled by Sam! We find this out, when Big Bird is singing 'The Blue Bird of Happiness Song' and Sid starts crying.

Poor Sid!


I swear that man has not aged in 25 years.


i agree,OP,i remember seeing this when i was a kid and was so happy that gordon & olivia saved him!

"I think I smell mice!"
